Thursday, July 18, 2024

Biden Favored To Win In November 2024, Trump's Chances Of Winning Are Declining

Trump's chances of winning are declining, biden favored to win in November 2024, Newsweek reported.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

July 19, 2024

WI: On Thursday, July 18, 2024, former U.S. President Donald J. Trump (R-MAGA) and 34 count convicted felon in a 92 minute rumbling speech accepted his Republican/MAGA nomination, as a candidate for president at the Trump MAGA Cult RNC 2024 National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Trump's face showing signs of defeat as the upcoming November 2024 Presidential Election approaches. A recent poll indicated that Trump's chances of defeating Biden are declining.

FiveThirtyEight's poll tracker, which was originally published on July 8 and updated on July 16, shows Joe Biden with a 53 percent chance of winning the election, while Trump has a 46 percent chance, Newsweek reported.

• Trump vowed for mass deportations of illegals and close the border

• Rid electric autos and keep fossil fuel burning autos

• Drill oil in U.S.

• Huge tax cuts for the rich

• To stop illegals from taking Bkack and Hispanic jobs

Trump's son Barron Trump missing at RNC 2024 National Convention stage at end of his speech 

Barron is attending a private college in Wisconsin, according to sources.

The 4-day RNC 2024 National Convention at the FISERV FORUM in Milwaukee failed to boost economic input in the downtown Milwaukee area businesses, bars and restaurants.

Some say, that Trump's calling Milwaukee a homicide City stop major consumption of goods and food at local restaurants and businesses.

Visit Milwaukee previously reported that 50,000 Convention attendees would be in Milwaukee, but it definitely shows the contrary.

FACT CHECK (Democrat Party): "Trump has an abysmal jobs record—leaving office with fewer jobs than when he entered office."

"He keeps lying about the economy because he can't handle being an utter, colossal failure.

"MAGAites from across the country came to Milwaukee for the RNC and demonstrated the extremism we're fighting every day in Wisconsin.

"Their plans to dismantle our democracy cannot stand. We're fighting back!"

The City of Milwaukee brought in 4,500 law enforcement officers from throughout the country to help secure the RNC after the Trump assasination attempt by Thomas Matthew Crooks, 21, a registered Republican, who was killed by a U.S. Secret Service team sniper in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th.

Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

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