Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Cunningham Defeats Waukegan Incumbent Mayor Motley In Primary Election

Cunningham advances to the general election as the Democratic Mayor in Waukegan on April 4th.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

March 1, 2017

Waukegan, IL - Tuesday's Democratic Primary Election results in the Waukegan Mayor's race, Sam Cunningham, 50, received 2,541 and incumbent Mayor Wayne Motley, 66, got 1572 of the vote. Also, Janet Kilkelly received 2,233 votes and incumbent City Clerk Maria LaCour got 1,836. Waukegan Alderman Cunningham from the 1st Ward will now face Alderwoman Lisa May from the 7th Ward who is running as an Independent on the April 4th General Election. Kilkelly as Waukegan City Clerk and Waukegan City Treasurer John Schwab are running unopposed in the general election. 

U.S. Economic Effect By Detaining And Deporting A Non-criminal Undocumented Taxpayer And Consumer

Devasting economic effect in local communities by detaining and deporting a non-criminal undocumented taxpayer.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 28, 2017

U.S.A. - Each non-criminal undocumented immigrant detained and later removed from a community will create an economic gap of about $25k to $50k in earned income including personal, sales tax, consumption of goods and property tax generated loss annually. Also, it will cost the state and the U.S. government approximately up to $10K or more in deportation costs including holding the undocumented inmate at a local county jail or Private Prison Corporations (PPC), which costs between $130 to $330 per day to hold at a PPC, in addition immigration court costs and flight costs to country of orgin.
Obama during the end of his term attempted to phase out private prisons when contracts expired, but Trump's U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recinded that memo and is promoting to continue to contract with PPCs. According to a 2015 report by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, PPC's earned $3B for holding ICE detainees. An estimated 34,000 of undocumented immigrants are incarcerated daily costing about $159 each to hold.

So, the U.S. economic stability in some urban and rural communities, which depend on undocumented labor including farm and dairy workers are faced with a loss of workers that can't easily be replaced once removed by the Trump's ICE initiative. Does Trump and his administration know that every non-criminal undocumented immigrant removed from the local and the U.S. economic system has a long lasting effect in the areas from which removed?

• Undocumented workers in Texas pay $11.6B annually in taxes, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

• Undocumented immigrants paid $35B within 10 years to the Medicare Trust Fund even when they don't qualify for benefits. (HNNUSA/Hispanic News Network U.S.A.)

• The Social Security Administration reported that in the Earning Suspense File has $1.3T in taxes in earn wages, which most of it was collected from undocumented immigrants.  (The Atlantic)

• In 2014, Stephen Goss, the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration told Vice News that in the last decade, an estimated 11M undocumented immigrants reside in the U.S. and about 7M are unauthorized workers and 3.1M of those worked with fake or expired Social Security numbers and paid automatic payroll taxes to the federal government. In 2010, a $13B annual net contribution was made to the Social Security Trust Fund.
In the last ten years, unauthorized workers have paid an estimated $100B into the trust fund and most of the unauthorized workers will never benefit from their tax contributions later in life, according to Goss.  (HNNUSA/Hispanic News Network U.S.A.)

Monday, February 27, 2017

Local Milwaukee Business Owner Juan "Johnny" Sendejo Sr. Passed Away

Sendejo Sr. operated the popular Johnny's Yellow Rose Tavern and Hall in Milwaukee''s Southside and Johnny's Club Carnaval in Bay View, which had a Tejano and a variety music venue.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A 

February 27, 2017

In memory of Juan "Johnny" Sendejo Sr., 66, former owner of Johnny's Club Carnaval on Kinnickinnic Ave. in Bay View and the Johnny's Yellow Rose Tavern and Hall at 2325 S. 13th St. in Milwaukee, WI who passed away on Saturday, February 25, 2017 around 4:00 p.m. surrounded by family and friends. Sendejo Sr. originally from Crystal City, Texas was also an avid deer hunter and enjoyed the yearly Crystal City Spinach Festival in November. Sendejo Sr. was also a longshoreman for 39 years.
He will be missed by friends and love ones. May he RIP.

Funeral service for Juan "Johnny" Sendejo Sr.:

Visitation on Friday, March 3, 2017, 9:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the Holy Trinity of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church located at 613 S. 4th St. in Milwaukee, WI.

Mass of Christian Burial at 12:30 p.m. Interment at St. Adalbert Cemetery at 3801 S. 6th St. in Milwaukee, WI.


MILWAUKEE: Estadísticas sobre los latinos y estado de Wisconsin 

Las siguientes son las estadísticas sobre la estructura de los latinos económico, la población y la potenciación del gasto en el lado sur de Milwaukee y en el estado de Wisconsin.

• Latinos representaban el 59% de la población total de 85.254 en el lado sur en 2012. (1)

• Un estudio económico de la ciudad informó que los hogares lado sur de la comunidad predominantemente latina situada en el interior Código Postal Postal 53204 en Milwaukee gastan más de $ 91 millones de anualmente en productos al por menor, de acuerdo con el Departamento de estadísticas de Desarrollo de la Ciudad de 2006. En un día, se gastaron aproximadamente $ 249,315.06. La base generadora de impuestos más grande de la ciudad proviene exclusivamente del lado sur. (2)

• En Milwaukee, más de 850 empresas de propiedad hispana generan más de $ 225 millones de dólares en ventas anuales. Está muy claro que la inmigración de los hispanos y los inmigrantes indocumentados a sureste de Wisconsin está ligada en gran medida a los recursos disponibles que los hispanos tienen en la zona. (2)

• En Wisconsin, más de 3.000 empresas de propiedad hispana generan más de $ 800 millones de dólares en ventas anuales creación de puestos de trabajo y empleo disponible que resulta en aumento de la población, así como el crecimiento del negocio. (2)

• En 2015, los inmigrantes indocumentados pagaron más de $ 80 millones en combinar el impuesto sobre la renta y el impuesto a la propiedad en Wisconsin. (2)

• En Wisconsin, los inmigrantes indocumentados pagan $ 21,7 millones en los ingresos personales, $ 6.1 millones en impuestos a la propiedad y $ el 66,5 millones de dólares en impuestos de venta en el año 2010 por un total de al menos $ 94.4M, según el Instituto de Fiscalidad y Política Económica estudio. (2)

• Latinos gastaron $ 28 millones en ventas en tiendas de comestibles (1)

• Restaurantes de servicio completo ganaban $ 13M (1)

• Tiendas de música latina generaron $ 3,4 M (1)

• Al menos se gastaron $ 2.8M en los libros y los periódicos no están en inglés ( 1)

• Un fuera menor anual de la zona sur de los residentes gastó cerca de $ 364m (1)

• $ 38M tienda de ropa de ventas y $ 5,1 millones en los accesorios (1)

• En 2012, el lado sur de Milwaukee Supervisor del Condado Distrito 12 tuvo un 70,1% de población hispana. (2)

• En el lado sur de Milwaukee 12 de Concejal del Distrito, hay un 67,8% de la población hispana de un total de 54K en la población total. (2)

• En el lado sur de Milwaukee 8 de Concejal del Distrito, hay un 62% de la población hispana de un total de 54K en la población total. (2)

• Hay aproximadamente 260.000 en la población de origen mexicano en el estado, que es el 75% de la población total de hispanos en Wisconsin. (2)

• Wisconsin población hispana en el estado creció un 74%, 336.056, un aumento de 143.135 a partir de 2000. (2)

• La Oficina del Censo de Estados Unidos informó en marzo de 2010, que la población hispana en el estado de Wisconsin creció un 74%, 336.056, un aumento de 143.135 desde 2000. Los hispanos ahora representan el 5,9 por ciento de la población total de Wisconsin.

La población hispana en el Condado de Milwaukee aumentó en 126.039 y la población hispana del Condado de Dane creció en 28.925.
La ciudad de Milwaukee vio un aumento del 40%, 103.107 en la población hispana, y vio una pérdida de 6%, pasando de 605.013 a 594.833 de la población que actualmente residen en la ciudad, de acuerdo con el censo de 2010. En comparación con un informe del censo en 2009, que la población hispana aumentó alrededor del 48%, 285.827 o el 5,1% de la población en el estado. Condado de Milwaukee vio un aumento del 39%, 114.238 o el 12% de la población, el condado de Racine vio un aumento del 35%, 20.262 en la población. Waukesha vio un aumento del 42% de los 13.458 de la población. Ozaukee Condado vio un aumento del 58% de los 1.669 en la población y en el Condado de Washington, un aumento del 76% con 2.693 en la población.

• Los funcionarios del censo de Estados Unidos informó que 50,5 millones de hispanos se contaron en 2010, el 16,3% de la población total de Estados Unidos y un crecimiento del 43% desde el año 2000.

• Los inmigrantes indocumentados pagan $ 35B plazo de 10 años para el Fondo Fiduciario de Medicare, incluso cuando ellos no califican para los beneficios. (2)

• La Administración de Seguridad Social informó que en el Archivo de Ganancia suspense tiene $ 1.3T en impuestos en ganar un salario, que se recogió la mayor parte de inmigrantes sin papeles. (El Atlántico)

• En 2014, Stephen Goss, Actuario Jefe de la Administración de la Seguridad Social dijo Vice La noticia de que en la última década, se estima que los inmigrantes indocumentados 11M residen en los EE.UU. y alrededor de 7 millones son trabajadores no autorizados y 3.1M de los trabajado con números y Seguridad Social falsos o caducados pagaron los impuestos de nómina automáticas para el gobierno federal. En 2010, se hizo una contribución neta anual de $ 13, al Fondo Fiduciario de la Seguridad Social.

En los últimos diez años, los trabajadores no autorizados han pagado un estimado de $ 100B en el fondo fiduciario y la mayoría de los trabajadores no autorizados que nunca se beneficiarán de sus contribuciones fiscales más adelante en la vida, de acuerdo con Goss. (2)

• Los hispanos incluidos los inmigrantes indocumentados hoy en día tienen más de $ 2T capacidad de gasto económico. (2)


(1) De acuerdo con el 2015 revisado Ciudad de Milwaukee South Side Area del Plan
(2) Hispano News Network EE.UU. (HNNUSA)
(3) Oficina de la Seguridad Social del Actuario Jefe

Esta Información fue posible gracias a H. Nelson Goodson, HNNUSA

Traducción en español por El Mañanero Newspaper

27 de Febrero del 2017

City of Milwaukee Stats About Latinos And State of Wisconsin

The following are stats about Latinos economic structure, population and spending empowerment in the South Side of Milwaukee and in the State of Wisconsin.

 • Latinos made 59% of the total population of 85,254 in the South Side in 2012. (1)

• A city economic study reported that the South side households in the predominately Latino community located inside Postal Zip Code 53204 in Milwaukee spend more than $91 million annually in retail goods, according to the 2006 Department of City Development statistics. In one day, they spent approximately $249,315.06.
The biggest tax-generating base for the city comes solely from the South side that includes the 8th, 12th, 14th Aldermanic Districts.
In addition, businesses in the Southside where the predominantly Latino community resides in the 12th Aldermanic District have to pay a 5.6% sales tax for final sales and services, also revenues for the City of Milwaukee are generated by fees for licenses, service fees and city fines for violations as well as overnight parking violation fines.
Other beneficial revenue for the City of Milwaukee includes millions of dollars injected into the city economy through purchases of goods and services by Latinos whether having legal status or not.

• In Milwaukee, over 850 Hispanic owned businesses generate more than $225 million in annual sales. It is abundantly clear that the immigration of Hispanics and undocumented immigrants to Southeastern Wisconsin is tied to a large degree to the available resources that Hispanics have in the area. (2)

• In Wisconsin, over 3,000 Hispanic owned businesses generate more than $800 million in annual sales creation of jobs and available employment resulting in population growth as well as business growth. (2)

• In 2015, undocumented immigrants paid over $80M in combine income tax and property tax in Wisconsin. (2)

• In Wisconsin, undocumented immigrants paid $21,7 million in personal income, $6.1 million in property taxes and $66.5 million in sale taxes in 2010 totaling at least $94.4M, according to the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy study. (2)

• Latinos spent $28M in grocery store sales (1)

• Full service restaurants earned $13M (1)

• Latino music stores generated $3.4M (1)

• At least$2.8M was spent on non-English books and newspapers (1)

• An annual retail outside of the South Side by residents spent about $364M (1)

• $38M Clothing store sales and $5.1M in accessories (1)

• In 2012, the South Side Milwaukee County Supervisor 12th District had 70.1% of Hispanic population. (2)

• In the Milwaukee South Side 12th Aldermanic District, there is a 67.8% of Hispanic population from a total of 54K in total population. (2)

• In the Milwaukee South Side 8th Aldermanic District, there is a 62% of Hispanic population from a total of 54K in total population. (2)

• There are approximately 260,000 in population of Mexican origin in the state, which is 75% of the total Hispanic population in Wisconsin. (2)

• Wisconsin Hispanic population in the state grew by 74%, 336,056, an increase of 143,135 from 2000. (2)

• In 2013, the U.S. Census reported that Wisconsin had  6.34% of Hispanic population compared to 6.26% of the Afro-American population showing Latinos have become the fastest growing population in the state.

• The U.S. Census Bureau reported in March 2010, that the Wisconsin Hispanic population in the state grew by 74%, 336,056, an increase of 143,135 from 2000. Hispanics now account for 5.9 percent of Wisconsin's total population.
The Hispanic population in Milwaukee County rose by 126,039 and the Dane County Hispanic population grew by 28,925.
The City of Milwaukee saw a increase of 40%, 103,107 in Hispanic population, and saw a loss of 6%, from 605,013 to 594,833 of population now residing in the city, according to the 2010 census. Compared to a census report in 2009, that the Hispanic population rose about 48%, 285,827 or 5.1% of the population in the state. Milwaukee County saw an increase of 39%, 114,238 or 12% of the population, Racine County saw a 35% increase, 20,262 in population. Waukesha saw a 42% increase of 13,458 in population. Ozaukee County saw a 58 % increase of 1,669 in population and in Washington County a 76% increase with 2,693 in population.

• U.S. Census officials reported, that 50.5 million Hispanics were counted in 2010, 16.3% of total U.S. population and a 43% growth since 2000.

• Undocumented immigrants paid $35B within 10 years to the Medicare Trust Fund even when they don't qualify for benefits. (2)

• The Social Security Administration reported that in the Earning Suspense File has $1.3T in taxes in earn wages, which most of it was collected from undocumented immigrants.  (The Atlantic)

• In 2014, Stephen Goss, the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration told Vice News that in the last decade, an estimated 11M undocumented immigrants reside in the U.S. and about 7M are unauthorized workers and 3.1M of those worked with fake or expired Social Security numbers and paid automatic payroll taxes to the federal government. In 2010, a $13B annual net contribution was made to the Social Security Trust Fund.
In the last ten years, unauthorized workers have paid an estimated $100B into the trust fund and most of the unauthorized workers will never benefit from their tax contributions later in life, according to Goss. (2)

• Hispanics including undocumented immigrants today have more than $2T economic spending power. (2)


(1) According to the 2015 revised City of Milwaukee South Side Area Plan

(2) Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

(3) Social Security Office of the Chief Actuary

Made possible by H. Nelson Goodson, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA)

February 27, 2017

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Movimiento de Inmigrantes en Acción LLC Registered With Feds And State To Empower Community

Latinos and community members in Milwaukee announced that Movimiento de Inmigrantes en Acción has been registered with the feds and State of Wisconsin as an LLC.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 25, 2017

Milwaukee, WI - On Thursday, the founding members of the Movimiento de Inmigrantes en Acción LLC (MIA LLC), Maryann Galicia, Mauricio Galicia, Ernesto Nava and Louie Villeda officially announced that MIA has been been registered with the feds and got their federal tax number as an LLC, it was also registered with the State of Wiscosin as well for the purpose to empower the Latino community and built a united voice including leadership among those participating. MIA LLC will have 13 Board of Directors who will work to make sure the funding and its operation are transparent to the community who they will serve, according to Nava. A bank account has been set up with Associated Bank to begin to generate funds as an LLC to operate and launch their community based agenda. For those interested to send a donation, people can send funds to MIA LLC routing and account number 075900575 2173587 777 or stop at any Associated Bank in the U.S. and deposit any funds to help support the group.
Raúl Ventura Ortiz, radio commentary host for Radio Latina 5.0 also announce on Friday that he will conduct a radio broadcast to help collect funds for the group on Friday, March 3, 2017 beginning at 5:00 p.m. to midnight. People who want to stop by and donate to MIA LLC can also stop at the broadcast station Radio Latina 5.0, 1500 AM Radio located at 1220 Grand Ave. in Waukegan, Illinois during the live programming, according to Ventura Ortiz.
MIA LLC is a unique community base organization dependent on community imput and collaboration with other groups in the Milwaukee area and nationally who are dedicated to empower the community and create leadership among members of the community including the youth.
MIA LLC will address issues through active community membership participation and discussions for the purpose to achieve equal access to justice, immigration reform, community safety, education and support of DREAMers. 
The project model is known a 777, which a membership fee of $7.77 will be accepted to generate community funding for tactical and strategic spending to promote the goals of set organization.
For more information, anyone interested in participating in the empowerment of their community through civic action is invited to attend a gathering on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Gran Teocali, 2011 W. Forest Home Ave. in Milwaukee, WI.
Special guest will be Raúl Ventura Ortiz, radio talk host for Radio Latina 5.0., 1500 AM Radio, which has a listening audience of more than 500,000 on a combine coverage in Facebook, social media and Internet programing in the U.S., Mexico, South and Central America.

Video: MIA LLC radio program at Radio Latina 5.0 on Friday: http://bit.ly/2kWHOKX

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Hundreds Of People Marched And Rallied On "Not My President Day" In Milwaukee

Protesters against Trump's advocacy for hate, racism and bigotry held a rally and a march in Milwaukee.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 21, 2017

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, hundreds of people gathered at Zeidler Union Square Park to hold a rally on "Not My President Day" and then marched to U.S. Senator Ron Johnson's (R) office at the federal courthouse. One of the speakers, Ana Dvorak, a community organizer for Citizen Action of Wisconsin spoked against the GOP repeal of the Affordable Health Care Act. Dvorak told the crowd that the Republicans, Trump, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, U.S. Representative Paul Ryan were playing with people's lives by trying to repeal Obama Care, but "if we fight back, they won't be able to kick 30M people out of the health coverage. We are the richest country in the world and if we can afford to cut millions or billions of tax dollars for the wealthy, we can afford to cover all" in health care.
Another speaker, Lus Sosa, Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) educator from the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Local 212 spoked about education and how important is education for democracy and recognized those gathered at the event as a coalition of different groups. Sosa stated, as a group, "together we rise, together we rise, together we rise. Trump picked Betsy DeVos as Secretary of U.S. Education and the reason he did it, is because he wants to undermine our democracy. As you know public education is essential to democracy and we need to make sure that all public schools are well funded." Sosa urged those gathered at the event to vote on Tuesday and every election forthcoming to make a difference. "We need to vote for champions for public education," Sosa said. Sosa publicly endorsed Dr. Tony Baez for the Milwaukee Public School Board 6th District and Larry Miller for the Milwaukee Public School Board 5th District on the April 4th Spring Election.
One of the organizers, Juan who claimed that he was an undocumented immigrant spoke about immigrant rights and against Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr.'s decision to join 287g ICE Program, which allows designated sheriff deputies to enforce federal immigration laws. Jorge also told the crowd to stand up against Trump's White nationalists and neo-Nazi agenda in the U.S.
After the rally, the protesters against Trump marched to U.S. Senator Johnson's office at the federal courthouse where various speakers from the Muslim community spoke as well as from the group PODER.
Currently, Trump is calling for 10,000 additional ICE agents to be hired and mass deportations will also include non-criminal illegal aliens that could target at least 8M undocumented immigrants in the U.S.
Also, the Mexican Consulate in Milwaukee reported that Mexican nationals are seeking dual citizenship for the their U.S. born children just in case, the parents get deported and their children can also accompany them to Mexico, so the children can be allowed to stay in Mexico as well.

Video: Hundreds participated on Monday's "Not My President Day" march and rally in Milwaukee, WI https://youtu.be/g1jnbazjLJs

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Silvano Aureoles Conejo, Governor From Michoacán Abruptly Ends Interview Over Corruption And Impunity Of State Attorney General

The State of Michoacán continues with the same state of affairs and no effective plan to restore security, jobs and economic stability as promised by Governor Aureoles Conejo during his campaign for the governorship.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 16, 2017

Chicago, Illinois - On Wednesday, Silvano Aureoles Conejo, the Governor of Michoacán was in Chicago to make a presentation about the State of Michoacán at the Casa Michoacán and to engage in a dialogue with immigrants from the state residing in the Chicago area. Governor Aureoles Conejo told those Mexican nationals from the State of Michoacán that he is working to provide legal assistance for those trying to get legal status and for their rights to be respected by U.S. officials under a 10 point plan by his state government.
During a brief planned interview after the event by Raúl Ventura Ortíz from Radio Latina 5.0, Governor Aureoles Conejo became upset when he was asked about a lack of an economic and security stability plan in the state and why was he protecting or doing nothing about allegations that the Michoacán State Presecutor José Martín Godoy Castro was associated with organized crime. Governor Aureoles Conejo responded that Ventura Ortiz had misinformation provided by criminals and that he needed psychological help, which Ventura Ortiz responded that he actually had factual information. Governor Aureoles Conejo became uneasy about being questioned for his lack of installing an economic and security stability plan as he promised during his campaign before getting elected as governor, but after 16 months in office, he lacks any workable and sustainable economic plan for Michoacán.
Governor Aureoles Conejo also attempted to disrupt a video live recording being transmitted by members from Radio Latina about the interview, which has gone viral on social media.
According to Ventura Ortiz who is originally from Michoacán, the State of Michoacán is actually worst today with a proliferation of crime, drug cartels, narco-state government, murders and corruption that is plaguing the state government under Governor Aureoles Conejo. Governor Aureoles Conejo is touring the U.S. and trying to promote a positive outlook for Michoacán that is working for Mexican nationals from the state who continue to send money to families. Michoacán Mexican nationals from the U.S. send about $1,750M of money transfers to the state, which the State of Michoacán collects 25% to help offset the poverty index in the state.
But Ventura Ortiz says, the State of Michoacán is worst today with more than 54% of the poverty rate of the population under Governor Aureoles Conejo who has failed to implement an economic and security plan as promised.

Interview of Governor
Silvano Aureoles Conejo by Raúl Ventura Ortíz, video courtesy of Ernesto Nava: http://goo.gl/9VBvwD 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office Alleged Christine Neumann-Ortiz From Voces de la Frontera Lied

The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office released a statement alleging that the executive director for Voces de la Frontera has lied about Sheriff Clarke Jr.'s proposed intent to join 287g ICE program.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 15, 2017

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, tens of thousands of Latinos and allies marched during a "Day without Latinos, Immigrants and Refugees" to the Milwaukee County Court House from Voces de la Frontera (VDLF) Southside office in opposition to Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr.'s decision to join 287g ICE program allowing deputies to be designated to enforce federal immigration laws. In a prior statement released to Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) Sheriff Clarke Jr. stated, the march "means nothing to me. The rule of law will prevail."
The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) on Wednesday, released another statement targeting Christine Neumann-Ortiz, the executive director of VDLF, Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele and multiple mainstream media for news reports concerning the sheriff and the 287g ICE program. Sheriff Clarke Jr. labeled the media mentioned as fake news.
The MCSO in its Facebook account also included a link to an ICE fact sheet about the recent ICE raids.
Here's the statement released by the MCSO, "Note that Christine Neumann-Ortiz, of Voces de la Frontera, the group that supports illegal immigration and a safe haven for illegal aliens convicted of serious crimes to remain in the Milwaukee, continues to lie about what the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office is doing to assist another law enforcement agency in pursuit of dangerous criminals. She has to lie to prop up her false narrative.
An accomplice media, including the Urinal Sentinel, FAUX6, TMJ4 - all purveyors of fake news, will not tell the truth either as they have become a propaganda wing for this group that supports illegal immigration.  They would never let the facts get in the way of a drive-by hit piece.
Note a list of serious crimes the illegal aliens had been convicted of in the article below, and after release they were allowed to remain in cities, including Milwaukee, to commit more crimes.
County Executive Chris Abele says allowing these criminal illegals to stay makes Milwaukee safe. Whose side is he on anyway? By the way, what is he doing in Zip Code 53206 where he said he would spend all his time on improving the lives of black people who live there? Some reporter should ask Abele how illegal immigration helps struggling black people in Milwaukee. That would be an act of journalism however, and too much to ask of the rank amateur level of media in Milwaukee.
Sheriff Clarke will always stay on the side of protecting law-abiding people.
President Trump has ordered that catch and release days are over."
What the MCSO declined to add was that it would be more likely for undocumented immigrants in Milwaukee County to fall victims of discrimination, illegal profiling, law enforcement abuse and won't receive equal protection of the law for fear of being deported, if they report or become witnesses of a crime. Undocumented immigrants would be afraid to attend any court hearing to be able to testify against a criminal, since deputy sheriff's are stationed at very courtroom as bailiffs.
A federal court in Arizona ruled that former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpiao under 287g abused the rights of Latinos in his county, discrimination was the norm by Maricopa County deputies and profiling was used to only target Hispanics. Sheriff Arpiao was finally ousted from office.
Despite, the prior federal court ruling concerning the blatant abuses as a result of 287g, Trump has begun to advocate for it use once again by law enforcement agencies willing to join the 287g ICE program. 
VDLF released the following statement about the immigrant march, On Monday, tens of thousands of people went on strike, closed their businesses, and withdrew their children from school to resist Trump's executive orders on immigration and the resulting wave of immigration raids sweeping the country, and to stop Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke's from enrolling his department in the federal 287g program, which would deputize his sheriffs to act as Immigration agents. The day's events, known as a "Day Without Latinxs, Immigrants, and Refugees," culminated in a massive march of tens of thousands of people from Voces de la Frontera's offices to the Milwaukee County Courthouse. The diverse march included hundreds of Muslim community members, many of whom also struck and closed their businesses, and joined the march as a body as marchers entered downtown. 
Throughout Wisconsin over 150 factories, grocery stores, bakeries, construction companies, auto dealers, restaurants, and many other types of businesses closed out of solidarity or due to worker absence, including over 120 in Milwaukee alone. Many more businesses including hotels, manufacturers, and dairies experienced decreased production due to work stoppages. 
Following the march, the massive crowd rallied on the steps of the courthouse, listening to music and speeches from community leaders and elected officials including Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele, Milwaukee County Supervisor Supreme Moore Omokunde, and State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa of Milwaukee.
"Today, we escalate the national and international struggle against Trump's executive orders, which aim to expand the machinery of mass deportation and legalize discrimination based on race and religion," said Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera. "We came from more than 25 cities in Wisconsin to show Trump and his lapdog Sheriff Clarke that the people of Milwaukee, the people of Wisconsin, and this whole country reject the 287g program and their mass deportation plans. Today, we organized a Day Without Latinxs, Immigrants, and Refugees to use our economic power - through work stoppages, small business closures and our consumer boycotts, to defend our families and communities."
"Latinos are the backbone of Wisconsin's dairy industry," said Germán Sanchez, an Omro, Wisconsin dairy worker who struck and marched with 5 coworkers. "Latinos are responsible for a large part of Wisconsin's milk production. We work long hours in the cold and heat. We are a positive part of the community, we are family and work-oriented. We love what we do, but we are organized and ready to fight against people like Trump, Clarke, or any politician who attacks our families. We have power. Trump needs to know that if he is putting Latinos at risk, he is putting the dairy industry and the whole economy at risk."
"This is not a struggle that has Muslims, immigrants and refugees on one side and everyone else on the other side," said Janan Najeeb, President of the Milwaukee Muslim Women's Coalition. "This is a struggle between people that stand for brotherhood, compassion, mercy, justice and human dignity on one side and those that stand for hatred, racism, xenophobia and injustice on the other side. Scapegoating Latinos, immigrants and refugees distracts from addressing real issues and offering real solutions. This city and this country cannot live and function without Latinos, immigrants and refugees!  We are physicians, scientists and engineers, we are chefs and waiters, we are farmers and farmhands, we are business owners and domestic helpers. We give life to our city and to our country, and we are not going anywhere!"

Friday, February 10, 2017

El alguacil Clarke Jr. del condado de Milwaukee confirma, la marcha de inmigrantes no cambiará su decisión de unirse al programa de ICE 287g

Se espera que los inmigrantes y aliados se unan en Milwaukee para una marcha en protesta de la decisión del alguacil Clarke Jr. del Condado de Milwaukee para unirse al programa de ICE 287g

Por H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

9 de febrero del 2017

Milwaukee, WI - El jueves cuando fue contactado por Hispano News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA), el alguacil David Clarke Jr. del Condado de Milwaukee dio a conocer en un breve comunicado en relación con la próxima marcha del inmigrante organizada y patrocinada por Voces de la Frontera (VDLF), organización para los derechos de inmigrantes y trabajadores en su intento por detener al alguacil Clark Jr. de unirse al programa de ICE 287g. El programa 287g ICE permitirá que los agentes del orden designados como policías locales, alguaciles y policías estatales que puedan ser entrenados para hacer cumplir las leyes federales de inmigración una vez que el gobernador de Scott Walker (R) aprueba la asociación con la Agencia Federal de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE). ¿Será que la marcha del "Día sin Latinos, Inmigrantes y Refugiados" pueda tener un efecto sobre el alguacil Clarke Jr.? El alguacil Clarke Jr. emitió el siguiente comunicado, la marcha "no significa nada para mí. El estado de leyes prevalecerá."
De acuerdo con el alguacil Clarke Jr., el planea implementar el programa 287g ICE en la Oficina del alguacil (Sheriff) del Condado de Milwaukee. En 2012, el alguacil Clarke Jr. confirmó que la cárcel del condado ha estado en un acuerdo durante los últimos cinco años con los federales para mantener a los inmigrantes indocumentados en el marco del Programa de Asistencia al Extranjero Estado Criminal y el condado era reinburse alrededor de $135.000 en 2009. En 2008, el condado recibió al menos $60.000 bajo el programa, de acuerdo con el alguacil Clarke Jr.
En virtud del acuerdo anterior con ICE, la Oficina del alguacil del Condado de Milwaukee (Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office - MCSO) tiene que comprobar la situación jurídica y el estatus legal de todas las personas que procesan en la cárcel que sospechan que son extranjeros ilegales e informar de sus resultados a ICE.
El lunes, 13 de febrero, múltiples negocios latinos se cerrarán a permitir que sus empleados se unan a la marcha patrocinada por VDLF. Le cuesta a VDLF por patrocinar una marcha organizada entre $5K a $15K que incluye permisos y escolta policial, dependiendo del tamaño de la marcha. VDLF desde 2006 han tenido mega marchas y en ningún tiempo han arrestado ninguna persona porque son pacíficas y envían un mensaje fuerte, pero en esta ocasión parece que el alguacil Clarke Jr. le vale poco.
VDLF no ha publicado ninguna información que será su siguiente paso para tratar de detener al alguacil Clarke Jr. de que aplique el programa de ICE 287g. Lo que el ha dicho que la marcha no le importará a él.
La aplicación de Trump 287g no proteje a los indocumentados con acceso de igualdad de protección de leyes porque los indocumentados no van a denunciar crímenes por miedo que los vayan a deportar.
En breve, la Oficina del alguacil del Condado de Kenosha genera por lo menos $6M por encarcelar detenidos del ICE, que sostienen la cárcel 1K internos. Mantener a los detenidos del ICE se ha convertido en un negocio lucrativo para prisiones privadas y cárceles del condados.
El ex presidente Barack H. Obama, también conocido como el "Deporter en Jefe" deportado casi 3M de inmigrantes indocumentados dentro de 8 años. Hasta ahora, Obama mantiene el récord de cualquier otro presidente de Estados Unidos de deportar a más inmigrantes indocumentados.
 ¿Que significa en realidad para el sector empresarial privado? Parece que el presidente Donald Trump favorece la proliferación de prisiones corporativas privadas para retener a los detenidos como un negocio lucrativo. Trump quiere que los organismos estatales y de condados locales alrededor de los EE.UU. que implementan la 287g, para detener todo inmigrante indocumentado con antecedentes criminales.
El miércoles, Guadalupe García de Rayos, de 36 años, se convirtió en la primera inmigrante indocumentada de ser deportada en Arizona bajo la orden ejecutiva de Trump para deportar a extranjeros criminales. En 2009, De Rayos fue condenada por delito grave el robo de identidad y trabajando ilegalmente. Vivio en el área de Phoenix por 21 años y deja una hija y un hijo atrás. Ambos son ciudadanos nacidos en los Estados Unidos. De Rayos fue deportada a Nogales, México.
Obama trató de eliminar las prisiones privadas, pero fracasó. De acuerdo con un informe de 2015 por el Consejo de Asuntos Hemisféricos, prisiónes privadas  de Corporaciones (PPC) generaron hasta $3B de dólares por detener presos del ICE. Se estima que 34.000 de los inmigrantes indocumentados son encarcelados diario que cuesta alrededor de $159 cada uno para sostener.
Estados pagan por la mayor parte de los costos para retener a los detenidos indocumentados de sus jurisdicciones y el gobierno federal reembolsará los estados alrededor de la mitad.
El Los Angeles Times informó en 2015, que a retener a los detenidos de ICE en una prisión privada, que cuesta entre $130 a $330 al día (por día) comparando con el uso de un brazalete de monitoreo electrónico para los detenidos de bajo riesgo en libertad condicional, que cuesta $5.00 al día ($155 por mes). Monitoreo brazalete electrónico en algunos estados también se realiza por BI Inc., una subsidiaria de la segunda más grande de PPC en el país.
En 2015, 9.300 inmigrantes indocumentados fueron puestos en libertad bajo palabra o un control. Además, 70.000 de los detenidos fueron acusados penalmente por entrada ilegal o re-entrada, lo que hizo la mitad de todos los presos federales.
PPC incluye el Grupo GEO, el sexto operación mayor de prisiones privadas, que opera 95 prisiones de los EE.UU. y en el extranjero y la Corrections Corporation of America, que opera 67 prisiones de los EE.UU., de acuerdo con un informe de 2016 por el folleto de Memphis.
¿Por que Congreso de Estados Unidos no ha aprobado una ley de reforma migratoria integral?, simplemente porque PPC han gastado más de $24 millones de dólares por año en costos de lobby para mantener las prisiones privadas en funcionamiento. Si mañana, se aprueba una ley para una reforma migratoria integral, PPC sin duda quedara fuera del negocio porque menos indocumentados detenidos estarían en las cárceles, algunos podrían argumentar.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Milwaukee County Sheriff Clarke Jr. Confirmed Immigrant March Will Not Deter Decision To Join ICE's 287g Program

Immigrants and supporters from around Wisconsin including Milwaukee are expected to march from Milwaukee's Southside to the Milwaukee County Court House in protest of Milwaukee County Sheriff Clarke's decision to join the 287g ICE program.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 9, 2017

Milwaukee, WI - On Thursday when contacted by Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA), Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. released a very brief statement concerning the upcoming immigrant march organized and sponsored by Voces de la Frontera (VDLF), an immigrant and worker rights organization in an attempt to stop Sheriff Clark Jr. from joining the 287g ICE program. The 287g ICE program will allow designated law enforcement officers, deputy sheriffs and state police to be trained to enforce federal immigration laws once Governor Scott Walker (R) approves the ICE partnership. Will the "Day Without Latinos, Immigrants and Refugees" march actually have en affect on Sheriff Clarke Jr.? Sheriff Clarke Jr. released the following statement, the march "means nothing to me. The rule of law will prevail."
According to Sheriff Clarke Jr., he plans to implement the 287g ICE program in the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office. In 2012, Sheriff Clarke Jr. did confirm that the county jail has been in an agreement for the last five years with the feds to hold illegal immigrants under the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program and the county was reinburse about $135,000 in 2009. In 2008, the county received at least $60,000 under the program, according to Sheriff Clarke Jr.
Under the above agreement, the MCSO has to check the legal status of everyone they suspect is an illegal alien and report their results to ICE.
On Monday, February 13, multiple Latino businesses will close to allow their employees to join the VDLF sponsored march. The march costs VDLF at least between $5K to $15K for permits and police escort depending on the size of the march.
VDLF hasn't released any information what will be their next step to attempt to stop Sheriff Clarke Jr. from implementing 287g ICE program, if the march fails to persuade him to change his mind. Which he already stated that the march won't matter to him.
In brief, the Kenosha County Sheriff's Office generates at least $6M in holding ICE detainees, which the jail hold 1K inmates. Holding ICE detainees has become a lucrative business for private prisons and county jails. 
Former President Barack H. Obama, aka, the "Deporter in Chief" deported nearly 3M undocumented immigrants within 8-years. Up to now, Obama holds the record from any prior U.S. President for deporting more undocumented immigrants while in office.
What does it actually mean for the private corporate sector? It seems that President Donald Trump favors the proliferation of private corporate prisons to hold detainees as a lucrative business. Trump wants for local, county and state law enforcement agencies around the U.S. to implement 287g to detain all criminal undocumented immigrant's convicted of crimes. 
On Wednesday, Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, 36, became the first convicted undocumented immigrant to face deportation in Arizona under Trump's executive order to deport criminal aliens. In 2009, De Rayos was convicted of felony identify theft and working illegally. She had live in the Phoenix area for 21 years and leaves a daughter and son behind. Both are U.S. born citizens. De Rayos was deported to Nogales, Mexico.
Obama attempted to phase out private prisons, but failed. According to a 2015 report by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Private Prison Corporations (PPC's) earned $3B for holding ICE detainees. An estimated 34,000 of undocumented immigrants are incarcerated daily costing about $159 each to hold. 
States do pay for most of the costs to hold undocumented detainees from their jurisdictions and the federal government reimburse the states about half.
The L.A. Times reported in 2015, that to hold ICE detainees in a private prison, it costs between $130 to $330 daily (per day) compared to being place under electronic monitoring bracelet for low risk detainees, which cost $5.00 daily ($155 per month). Electronic bracelet monitoring in some states is also done by BI Inc., a subsidiary of the second largest PPC in the country.
In 2015, 9,300 undocumented immigrants were released under parole or monitoring. Also, 70,000 of detainees were charged criminally for illegal entry or re-entry, which made half of all federal prosecutions.
PPC includes the GEO Group, the 6th largest private prison operation, which operates 95 prisons in the U.S. and abroad and the Corrections Corporation of America, which operates 67 prisons in the U.S., according to a 2016 report by the Memphis Flyer.
Why hasn't the U.S. Congress actually passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill?, simply because PPC's have spent more than $24M per year in lobbying costs to keep private prisons in operation. If tomorrow, a comprehensive immigration reform bill would pass, PPC's would definitely go out of business because less undocumented detainees would be in prisons, some might argue.

Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos Ordered Deported Under Trump's Executive Order

"La policía y la migra la misma porquería...F_ck Donald Trump" protesters chanted.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Nwtork U.S.A.

February 9, 2017

Phoenix, Arizona - On Wednesday, protesters in Phoenix blocked a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) van to stop the deportation of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, 36, who was convicted for working illegally 8 years ago. In 2008, De Rayos was convicted of a felony for identity theft while working illegally, she served her sentence and reported to ICE in a regular basis.
The protest took place at the Phoenix ICE facility. De Rayos was ordered to report to the ICE facility on Wednesday where she was taken into custody under Trump's executive order to deport criminal illegal aliens. 
ICE in van convoy around 11:10 p.m. transported De Rayos to another facility for deportation. Protesters briefly blocked the van, which DE Rayos was in. De Rayos will be the first deported criminal undocumented immigrant from Phoenix under the Trump executive order. At least 7 protesters were arrested without use of force, according to Phoenix police.
De Rayos leaves behind a daughter and son.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Milwaukee Common Council Voted 13-2 To Oppose Trump's Muslim Ban

Two aldermen voted against adoption of the Milwaukee Common Council resolution sponsored by Alderman José G. Pérez opposing President Trump's Muslim ban.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 7, 2017

Milwaukee, WI - On Tuesday, the Milwaukee Common Council on a vote of 13-2 adopted a resolution opposing President Donald Trump's Muslim ban. Both Aldermen Robert "Bob" G. Donovan and Mark A. Borkowski voted against. Alderman José G. Pérez, Alderwomen Milele A. Coggs and Chantia Lewis sponsored the resolution.
Aldermen Robert Bauman, Nicolas Kovac, Ashanti Hamilton, Kalif J. Rainey, Cavalier Johnson, Russell W. Stamper II, James Bohl Jr. and T. Anthony Zielinski were added as cosponsors of the resolution.

Resolution: 102-161482





Resolution expressing the City of Milwaukee’s opposition to Presidential Executive Order 13769Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.


This resolution expresses the City of Milwaukee’s opposition to Presidential Executive Order 13769Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.


Whereas, President Donald Trump signed Executive Order 13769 on January 27, 2017; and

Whereas, The Executive Order suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, after which the program will be conditionally resumed for individual countries; and

Whereas, The Executive Order suspends the entry, regardless of valid non-diplomatic visas, of alien nationals from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days, after which an updated list of prohibited countries will be determined; and

Whereas, As an immediate result of the Executive Order, individuals in possession of current visas have been detained or turned back at airports across the country, resulting in chaos, confusion, deep anxiety, and hardship; and

Whereas, The Executive Order suspends entry of refugees from Syria indefinitely, allowing exceptions on a case-by-case basis, ignoring the fact that those being denied entry are themselves victims of terrorism and are fleeing the savagery, death, and destruction of the Syrian civil war; and

Whereas, The history of the United States is that of a melting pot of cultures as depicted on the Statue of Liberty, which states, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;” and

Whereas, Thousands of protesters have gathered at airports and other locations throughout the United States to protest the signing of the order and detention of hundreds of stranded foreign nationals; and

Whereas, Under the U.S. Immigration Act of 1965, the president may not refuse to give visas to immigrants coming to live in the United States permanently due to their nationality; and

Whereas, The Roosevelt administration’s rejection of Jews fleeing the Holocaust was one of the more shameful acts of any American president. Rather than return to such a policy targeted at a new group of persecuted people, the U.S. should continue to accept humanitarian immigration, because allowing people to escape violence is the bare minimum of moral decency; and

Whereas, Since World War II, the U.S. has accepted millions of refugees fleeing communism and totalitarianism around the world; and

Whereas, While the Executive Order references the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks as why the Executive Order is necessary, the 19 terrorists who carried out the attacks were from countries not listed in the ban: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, and the United Arab Emirates; and

Whereas, Federal courts throughout the nation have issued emergency stays, which will stop federal officials from deporting individuals with appropriate refugee applications, holders of valid visas, and people from the seven impacted countries who have secured authorization to enter the United States; and

Whereas, The Executive Order countermands the United States' obligations to refugees under the Geneva Conventions; and

Whereas, Milwaukee is a diverse home to thousands of immigrants from hundreds of countries; and

Whereas, Milwaukee is celebrating Black History Month to create awareness of the struggles and challenges that African Americans overcame in this country, and in so doing, remembering the hardships of all immigrants; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Common Council expresses its opposition to Presidential Executive Order 13769: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Common Council urges the federal Department of Homeland Security to comply with the federal court orders as quickly as feasible and immediately permit detained individuals to have timely access to legal counsel; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Common Council commends the hundreds of attorneys across the nation who volunteer their time and services to ensure the due process and equal protection of these refugees and legal permanent residents, and the thousands who have peacefully protested to uphold American values; and, be it

Further Resolved, That upon adoption of this resolution, the City Clerk shall mail copies of this resolution to the Office of the President of the United States and to each member of Milwaukee’s delegation to the U.S. Congress.

Update: On Tuesday, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett signs the Milwaukee Common Council resolution opposing President Donald Trump's Muslim ban at the Milwaukee Gathers in Unity for Human Dignity event at the Carmen High School of Science and Technology.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Stop Deportation Of Veterans Activist Valenzuela-Rodríguez Advocates For Fellow Veteran Miguel Pérez To Remain In U.S.

Community advocates and U.S. Veteran Valenzuela-Rodríguez attended a federal immigration court hearing to help prevent the deportation of Pérez, a fellow decorated Army veteran who is facing deportation.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 6, 2017

Chicago, Illinois - On Monday, Robin Rosche, an immigration judge announced that she will decide within weeks whether Miguel Pérez Jr., 38, a decorated U.S. Army Veteran with a green card should be deported after serving a prison sentence for a felony drug conviction. Pérez had served two tours in Afghanistan. He returned from war with severe PTSD and a serious brain injury and began to self medicate with drugs and was convicted of a non-violent drug offense.
Pérez has filed a request for relief to remain in the U.S. under the United Nations Convention against torture, which is a form of asylum.
Pérez told Judge Rosche that he would be targeted for recruitment by drug cartels for his military experience and his life would be in danger, if he failed to join a criminal organization. The U.S. prosecutors argued that Pérez doesn't qualify for the asylum, but that he violated the law, was convicted and should be deported, despite his honorable military service.
Jesús Manuel Valenzuela-Rodríguez, 61, a U.S. Marine Veteran who had faced deportation was in Chicago to advocate for Pérez to remain in the U.S. Valenzuela-Rodríguez told reporters that it was unfair for the U.S. government to deport Veterans who have honorably serve. Valenzuela-Rodríguez and his brother, Valente Valenzuela, 64, an Army Veteran from Colorado are both U.S. Veterans who were born in Mexico.
The Valenzuela brothers have become advocates for deported Veterans and had faced the threat of deportation themselves for misdemeanor crimes, but were granted a stay in the U.S., until their immigration case gets resolved. Their deportation case has been stalled and no further proceedings are scheduled for the Valenzuela brothers.
The Valenzuela brothers were born in Mexico to a U.S. Citizen mother from New Mexico. Their father was a Mexican national, but later legalized and became a U.S. Citizen. By birth right to a U.S. Citizen in another country, their children born in foreign country become automatically U.S. Citizens, according to federal law.
In 2011, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) figures confirmed that at least 3,000 War Veterans were in process of being deported to their native countries. Most of the Veterans that have been deported had green cards and were in the U.S. legally.
On October 13, 2012, a group of U.S. Deported Veterans led by Army Veteran Hector Barajas, himself a deported Veteran opened the first U.S. Deported Veterans Support House (DVSH - a safehouse) in El Rosarito Beach, Baja California, Mexico to help other deported Veterans from the U.S. ajust to being dislocated and facing removal trauma caused by DHS and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement when separating families.
Today, Barajas advocacy for U.S. deported Veteran rights has succeeded in getting certain VA pensions to deported Veterans and continues to work for earned medical benefits as well, which had been illegally denied simply because they were deported. Barajas has applied for U.S. Citizenship as well and a decision by the U.S. government is expected in less than two months.
Daniel Torres, a deported U.S. Marine Veteran became a U.S. Citizen in April 2016 and was the first deported Veteran to get citizenship with the help of Barajas, the ACLU-CA and other lawfirms through the advocacy of the DVSH.
Only upon death, the bodies of deported Veterans can be brought back to be buried in the U.S. with a military honor guard.

Meteor Or UFO Reported Crashed In Wisconsin

A witness says the meteor or UFO had crashed in a field in Ixonia.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 6, 2017

Wisconsin - On early Monday, residents in northwestern Wisconsin reported a large meteor or UFO had crashed with green light in the state around 1:30 a.m. Police investigating and trying to locate the ground zero site of the unidentified object.
Also residents in Michigan, Chicago, Illinois and Minnesota reported a similar object, including people in multiple counties from throughout Wisconsin who saw a bright light, heard and felt a blast or crash.
The object cashed in Ixonia, WI, according Raphael Fish, an eye witness who says it crashed at an adjacent field where he was located in Jefferson County.

A dashcam video of object courtesy of Marcella Canfora, it was recorded in Milwaukee, WI while she was driving on the highway. https://youtu.be/B7RMu_MrEa4

Meteor or UFO spotted over the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois on early Monday https://youtu.be/TKVKxcbMyiQ

UFO or meteor spotted over the Village of Lisle in Illinois https://youtu.be/XepiEZY3UTg

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Black Panther Party, Revolutionary Black Panther Party And The Nation of Islam Unite Forces

Three known Afro-American groups in the city of Milwaukee unite their efforts to bring social and economic change in their community.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 6, 2017

Milwaukee, WI - In Milwaukee both the Black Panther Party (BPP) and Revolutionary Black Panther Party (RBPP) announced on Saturday that they have joined forces in unity, love and peace with the help of the Nation of Islam who served as a mediator. The groups are facing similar economic, segregation, unemployment and social issues plaguing the Afro-American community today, which indicates that their united efforts between the three groups  empowers their Black Power movement to work for social change and the betterment of the Afro-American community in the city.
"There is more than enough work in Milwaukee to do.. Other black men and women are NOT our enemies. We cannot preach unity if we don't practice it ourselves. This situation could have gotten to levels unfathomable.. We could not allow it to progress without addressing it as men and women," Vaun L. Mayes stated in his Facebook account. Mayes is the RBPP National and Regional General including the Minister of Information/Media, also known as an Afro-American national civil rights activist.

Video of united groups courtesy of Vaun L. Mayes https://goo.gl/Kbcgm4

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Federal Judge Temporarily Blocked President Trump’s Muslim Ban Nationwide

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed on Friday that it will comply with the federal judge's temporary halt of the Muslim Ban and it notified airlines to allow travellers with visas to board planes headed to the U.S.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 4, 2017

Seattle, WA- On Friday, a federal judge in Seattle granted Attorney General Bob Ferguson's request to immediately halt implementation of President Donald Trump's Executive Order on immigration nationwide, according to a press release by the Attorney General's Office in the State of Washington.
The Temporary Restraining Order will remain in place until U.S. District Court Senior Judge James L. Robart considers the Attorney General's lawsuit challenging key provisions of the President's order as illegal and unconstitutional. If Ferguson prevails, the Executive Order would be permanently invalidated nationwide.
To obtain the Temporary Restraining Order, the state needed to prove that its underlying lawsuit was likely to succeed, that irreparable harm was likely to occur without the restraining order, and that halting the President's order immediately is in the public interest. The state also needed to establish that the potential injury to Washington residents caused by leaving the President's order in place outweighs any potential damage from halting it.
Judge Robart, who was nominated to the court by President George W. Bush in 2003, ruled that Ferguson had met the high standards necessary to block the Executive Order until the court reaches the merits of the lawsuit.
"The Constitution prevailed today," Ferguson said. "No one is above the law — not even the President."
Washington became the first state to challenge the President's order on Monday. Ferguson argues that the Executive Order violates the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of Equal Protection and the First Amendment's Establishment Clause, infringes individuals' constitutional right to Due Process and contravenes the federal Immigration and Nationality Act.
Major Washington state institutions supported the Attorney General's lawsuit through declarations filed alongside the complaint. In their declarations, for example, Amazon and Expedia set forth the detrimental ways the Executive Order impacts their operations and their employees.
Minnesota, led by Attorney General Lori Swanson, joined Ferguson's amended complaint filed Thursday. In addition, since Washington brought its action, Massachusetts, New York and Virginia intervened in similar lawsuits challenging the Executive Order in their respective jurisdictions.
Solicitor General Noah Purcell, Deputy Solicitor General Anne Egeler and Solicitor General's Office Fellow Kelly Paradis, as well as members of the Wing Luke Civil Rights Unit, including Unit Chief Colleen Melody and Assistant Attorneys General Patricio Marquez and Marsha Chien, are handling the case., according to Ferguson.

Copy of federal lawsuit against the Trump's Muslim ban filed by Bob Ferguson, the Attorney General from the State of Washington (PDF) http://bit.ly/2l74GTS

Update: President Trump goes on a Twitter rant about his Muslim ban that was temporarily blocked by U.S. District Court Senior Judge James L. Robart.
At first, a White House statement said "outrageous" about the ban being blocked, but later the word was taken out on a revised update.

An appeals federal judge in Minnesota on Sunday denied the U.S. DOJ emergency request on behalf of President Trump to lift an injunction blocking a Muslim ban nationwide while an appeal is pending. (Source: HNNUSA/Hispanic News Network U.S.A.)

Friday, February 3, 2017

Private Prisons For ICE Detainees A Profitable Business In The U.S.

Holding undocumented immigrants is a lucrative business for private corporation prisons.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 3, 2017

Washington, D.C. - Recently, President Donald Trump, aka, "Trumpnazi" confirmed that additional detention centers for undocumented immigrants will be created, which indicates an anticipated joint operation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) involving local, county and state partnerships under 287g and Secure Communities, which will yield thousands of undocumented detainee arrests around the nation.
Former President Barack H. Obama, aka, the "Deporter in Chief" deported nearly 3M undocumented immigrants within 8-years. Up to now, Obama holds the record from any prior U.S. President for deporting more undocumented immigrants while in office.
What does it actually mean for the private corporate sector? It seems that Trumpnazi favors the proliferation of private corporate prisons to hold detainees as a lucrative business. Obama attempted to phase out private prisons, but failed. According to a 2015 report by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Private Prison Corporations (PPC's) earned $3B for holding ICE detainees. An estimated 34,000 of undocumented immigrants are incarcerated daily costing about $159 each to hold. 
States do pay for most of the costs to hold undocumented detainees from their jurisdictions and the federal government reimburse the states about half.
The L.A. Times reported in 2015, that to hold ICE detainees in a private prison, it costs between $130 to $330 daily (per day) compared to being place under electronic monitoring bracelet for low risk detainees, which cost $5.00 daily ($155 per month). Electronic bracelet monitoring in some states is also done by BI Inc., a subsidiary of the second largest PPC in the country.
In 2015, 9,300 undocumented immigrants were released under parole or monitoring. Also, 70,000 of detainees were charged criminally for illegal entry or re-entry, which made half of all federal prosecutions.
PPC includes the GEO Group, the 6th largest private prison operation, which operates 95 prisons in the U.S. and abroad and the Corrections Corporation of America, which operates 67 prisons in the U.S., according to a 2016 report by the Memphis Flyer.
In private prisons, undocumented detainees are used for cheap labor, which most don't get paid for custodial, kitchen and other jobs within the prison while incarcerated before deportations. Detainee deaths have been reported in both ICE detention centers and private prisons, but in most cases, a lack of accountability exists and hardly anyone (ICE agent/prison guard) ever get charged or prosecuted for negligence and abuse resulting in deaths, according to news reports and immigrant rights groups.
In Wisconsin, Fox 6 News recently reported that the Kenosha County Sheriff's Office generated at least $6M in revenue in the lucrative business to hold ICE detainees. The Kenosha County jail holds 1,000 inmates.
The Dodge County Sheriff's Office in WI also profits from holding ICE detainees for at least a week before they are transported back to the Chicago ICE detention facility for deportion.
The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) in WI also profits from ICE detainees and last week, Sheriff David Clarke Jr. has confirmed that he will partnership with ICE to train his assigned deputies to become immigration enforcement officers as well under President Trumpnazi's revamped 287g and Secure Communities Programs. Both programs are considered to be abused by law enforcement agencies, which resulted in practices of discrimination and profiling violations without accountability for unlawful acts by authorities.
In 2012, Sheriff Clarke Jr. did confirm that the county jail has been in an agreement for the last five years with the feds to hold illegal immigrants under the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program and the county was reinburse about $135,000 in 2009. In 2008, the county received at least $60,000 under the program, according to Sheriff Clarke Jr.
Under the above agreement, the MCSO has to check the legal status of everyone they suspect is an illegal alien and report their results to ICE.
Why hasn't the U.S. Congress actually passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill?, simply because PPC's have spent more than $24M per year in lobbying costs to keep private prisons in operation. If tomorrow, a comprehensive immigration reform bill would pass, PPC's would definitely go out of business because less undocumented detainees would be in prisons, some might argue.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Pro-Immigrant And Anti-Hate Resolution 16-738 Passed By Milwaukee County Board

The Milwaukee County Board sent President Trump a message that they won't be bullied.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 2, 2017

Milwaukee, WI -  On Thursday, in a symbolic act the Milwaukee County Board voted 12-6 in favor of Pro-Immigrant and Anti-Hate Resolution 16-738 as a stand against President Donald Trump's, aka, "Trumpnazi" bullying threat tactic of penalizing Sanctuary Counties by withholding federal funding, which is unconstitutional. The resolution recognizes the dignity and contributions of diverse communities in Milwaukee County that face intensified threats from the new Presidential adminisrtation, including immigrants, African-Americans, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and others, according to Voces de la Frontera,  an imigrant and work rights organization.
Also, the resolution will urge Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. to not enroll his department in the controversial 287g program, which would deputize local law enforcement as immigration agents. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Costa Rican Woman And Baby Get Visas Revoked On Arrival At Airport In Texas Under Muslim Ban

A Costa Rican woman and a baby had their visas revoked shortly after arriving at a Houston airport.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 1, 2017

Houston, Texas - A woman and her baby had their visas revoked after she was coerced to voluntarily surrender the U.S. Visas. According to a Facebook posting by Adriana Portillo, her cousin had valid U.S. Visas to enter the country, but when her cousin arrived at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, she was detained under President Donald Trump's, aka, "Trumpnazi" Muslim Ban executive order which prevented those arriving from seven Muslim countries to be denied entry whether with green cards or valid visas.
Portillo posted in her Facebook on early Wednesday, "They are detaining all tourists from entering the usa. My cousin from Costa Rica who has had valid tourist visas and has traveled here for YEARS was detained in Houston airport and got her and her 6 month old sons tourist visas revoked. They went through her phone and took the baby from her and left that 6 month old baby crying just to intimidate her into signing thier visas away. I am desperately looking for any Houston lawyers or any help I can get. I can't even speak to her to know what's going. Please someone help, I am desperate. She has done nothing wrong, no criminal record and was coming here legally!!!"
Sean Spicer, the Press Secretary for the Trumpnazi administration has insisted it wasn't a ban, but in previous statements he did say a ban including President Trumpnazi who had called it a ban as well. Apparently, those arriving in the U.S. from the Muslim countries listed as banned will be vetted and are now allowing those with green cards or permanent residency status to enter the country. Reports from U.S. airports around the country have indicated that people arriving at airports continue to be detained by DHS ICE.
Portillo's cousin is the first reported case that Costa Rica nationals with valid U.S. Visas has been denied entry and coerced to surrender visas by keeping the child (nephew) from her care.
Portillo posted that her cousin is scheduled to be deported at 5:00 p.m. today, according to the Costa Rica Consulate. She can't contact her cousin because they took her cellphone and is detained. She doesn't know why she was denied entry and being deported.
Portillo posted, "Thank you everyone for the outpouring of support! Adriana still doesn't have her phone so we can't speak to her but the Costa Rican conulsate says she has her deportation flight at 5pm today. We are trying our best to get her out but no luck yet...They intimidated her to sign a revoke of their visas. We can't speak to her so its hard to kn."
Several Houston area attorneys have been trying to look into her case, but are not able to talk to her personally due to restrictions as a detainee.
Luis Andres Salazar, who lives in Costa Rica when contacted by Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) identified his sister as Adriana Salazar Avila, 28, and her 6-month-old nephew as Santiago Jimenez Salazar. Luis says, that Adriana has been detained for more than 24 hours including her nephew, DHS ICE officials at the airport had  "forced her to sign paperwork to revoke her and the babies visa."

Update: According to the North Dallas Gazette, Adriana arrived with her mother, Vilma Salazar and her 6-month-old nephew when detained. Vilma was allowed to continue to Dallas to visit her family and her valid 6-month visa was limited to February 25, which she was ordered by DHS ICE to leave the country.
Adriana was deported to Costa Rica including her nephew. DHS ICE had accused that they were smuggling drugs in unopened coffee bags, but when officials opened the bags and checked, they found no drugs, according to the North Dallas Gazette.
Luis confirmed, that Adriana and her nephew were deported from Houston at 5:20 p.m. and DHS ICE returned her cell phone once she was in the plane headed to Costa Rica. She is now safe back home, but traumatized (shocked) about her experience at the airport with U.S. Customs officials.