Monday, February 29, 2016

Video Captured Historic Moment When Madison Capitol Streets Were Closed During Day Without Latinos And Immigrants Rally

Thousands of people converged at the Madison Capitol during Day Without Latinos and Immigrants .

Miles de personas manifestaron en el Capitolio en Madison durante Día Sin Latinos y Inmigrantes.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 29, 2016

Madison, WI - Behind the scenes, as thousands of Latinos and non-Latinos begin to arrive at the Madison Capitol in Wisconsin to rally against several Republican anti-immigrant bills on February 18 and people converge on the streets surrounding the Capitol building, Primitivo Torres from Voces de la Frontera contacted police to shut down the streets around the Capitol and allow the crowds into the streets as a safety measure. Pastor José Dominguez and H. Nelson Goodson walked along with Torres during this historic moment and immigrant movement in the State of Wisconsin.

Detrás de la ensena, Primitivo Torres de Voces de la Frontera le aviso a la policía de Madison que cierre la calles alrededor del Capitolio de Madison en Wisconsin al tráfico como medio se seguridad y dejen a la gente tomar las calles durante una manifestación de 'Día sin Latinos e Inmigrantes' en contra dos proyectos de ley anti-inmigrante de legisladores Republicanos durante el 18 de Febrero en Madison. El Pastor José Dominguez y H. Nelson Goodson acompañaban a Torres en este momento histórico en la historia del inmigrante en el estado de Wisconsin.

Video: Historic moment when police closed streets to traffic at Madison Day without Latino rally

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Milwaukee Police Officers Jose Acevedo And Jesús Gloria From District 2 Received Community Crime Prevention Awards

Two outstanding police officers assigned to the Milwaukee Police District 2 Station were recently recognized and received awards for their efforts in community crime prevention.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 28, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - The Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) reported that both Community Liaison Police Officers José Acevedo and Jesús Gloria were each recognized, honored and received Greater Milwaukee Law Enforcement Community Crime Prevention Awards for 'Outstanding Community Liasion Officers' and their dedication to crime prevention at the 2nd Milwaukee Police District Station in the Southside of the City of Milwaukee. Both Police Officers Acevedo and Gloria have enhanced the block watch initiatives in the Southside where a predominantly Spanish speaking community resides and hold bilingual crime analysis meetings along with other officers to keep community members informed and helping to create good working relationships between police, community stakehokders and the community residents in an effort to prevent cime in the area.
Police Officers Acevedo and Gloria were among other of Milwaukee finest to get awards, Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm who received the 'Crime Prevention Advocate Award', the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office Patrol Division and community members to be honored and recognized at the 67th Annual Crime Prevention Awards ceremony that was held at the Wisconsin Club and the event was hosted by Safe & Sound, Inc. and LISC Milwaukee (Local Initiatives Support Corporation), with financial support from AAA Wisconsin, according to MPD.

Receiving the Greater Law Enforcement Community Law Enforcement Awards were: 

● Crime Prevention Advocate Award to Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm 

● Outstanding Community Liaison Officers to Police Officers José Acevedo and Jesús Gloria 

● Outstanding Professional Contributions to Police Officer Joshua Dummann 

● Outstanding Civilian Contributions to Jessica Rodriguez-Jasso 

● AAA Traffic Safety Award – Law Enforcement to Milwaukee County Sheriff Office Patrol Division 

Receiving the Community Crime Prevention Awards were:

● Outstanding Individual Involved in Crime Prevention to Cacy Kemp 

● Outstanding Individual Involved in Crime Prevention to Aaron Blathers 

● Outstanding Block Club to Villa/Rohr led by Henry Davis 

● Outstanding Faith Based Organization to District Seven Chaplains

● Outstanding Contributions by a Business to Gahn Meat Company 

● Outstanding Greater Milwaukee Partnership to Salvation Army and Community 

● AAA Traffic Safety Award – Community to Ulysses Brown

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Latinos en Wisconsin anuncian Acciones contra dos Proyectos de Ley anti-inmigrante

Voces de la Frontera anunció la acción estatal en 5 o 7 condados para presionar el gobernador Walker que veta varios proyectos de ley anti-inmigrantes por los legisladores republicanos en Wisconsin.

Por H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

26 de febrero del 2016

Milwaukee, WI - El viernes, los latinos, legisladores estatales demócratas, conservadores políticos, varias organizaciones de finés no lucrativos, un consejal de Milwaukee incluyendo la Diputada Estatal JoCasta Zamarripa quienes realizaron una conferencia de prensa afuera del Super Mercado El Rey para anunciar la continuación de los esfuerzos para prevenir varios proyectos de ley anti-inmigrantes de legisladores republicanos (AB 450 / SB 369 y AB 723 / SB 533) de ser promulgadas como leyes en Wisconsin. La Diputada Zamarripa dice que el gobernador Scott Walker (R-Wauwatosa) le dijo que él no quiere el Senado del Estado debate y vote a favor de AB 450. Zamarripa dijo, "que el gobernador Walker no desea ver AB 450, o 'ciudades santuario' proyecto de ley, se colocará en el calendario del Senado y se enviará a su escritorio y por desgracia, parece que no está dispuesto a vetar la SB 533, que prohibiría muchos de inmigrantes en Milwaukee que no tengan acceso a una tarjeta de identificación municipal.
"Esta lucha no ha terminado. Animo a los miembros del público para mantener la presión sobre el gobernador Walker y los legisladores republicanos en contra de estos dos proyectos de ley anti-inmigrantes en las próximas semanas y meses", dijo Zamarripa. Zamarripa también dijo que la semana pasada Arizona votó en contra de dos proyectos de ley similares que los legisladores republicanos del estado de Wisconsin utilizaron para crear los actuales proyectos de ley anti-inmigrantes en el estado.
Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Directora Ejecutiva de Voces de la Frontera declaró, que "el 14 de marzo, habrá acciones locales y alrededor del estado incluyendo en 5 a 7 condados con la mayor concentración de latinos e inmigrantes en el estado para enviar un mensaje al gobernador Walker para que veta SB 533 y AB 450, si le llegan a su oficina para su firma.
"La verdad es que no sabremos, si AB 450 está realmente muerta hasta el 15 de marzo, el último día que el Senado estará en sesión, por lo que el 14 de marzo, vamos a seguir dando nuestra voz en oposición de estas propuestas anti-inmigrante y facturas racistas", indicó Neumann-Ortiz.
German Sánchez de Green Bay que representa WISDOM dice que el gobernador Walker tiene que vetar ambos proyectos de ley. Sánchez ha trabajado en una granja lechera durante 10 años en Wisconsin.
Darryl Morin, ex vicepresidente de LULAC del Medio Oeste y miembro de la mesa directiva de la Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc., que opera la anual Mexican Fiesta dice que los latinos republicanos, conservadores políticos y demócratas se han unido para oponerse a estas propuestas anti-inmigrante y mucha gente está trabajando detras de la ensenas para detener los ambos proyectos de ley anti-inmigrantes. El miércoles pasado, Morin en su cuenta de Facebook publicó: "Estos esfuerzos se han traducido en una manifestación sin precedentes de nuestra determinación contra la legislación dirigida a nuestra comunidad. Estos proyectos de ley buscan privar a la dignidad humana de inmigrantes con el que se crea cada vida, de tantos que simplemente estan tratando de mantener a sus familias. No quiero dejar de aclarar el estado actual del SB 533, mientras fue aprobada por el Senado y los Diputados, hora se encuentra en proceso de llegarle ante el gobernador para su consideración".
El primer miembro latino del Partido Republicano, Manuel Pérez, ex Secretario del Departamento de Wisconsin de Desarrollo Laboral bajo el gobernador Walker hizo claro su posición al Hispano News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA), que el se opone a ambos proyectos de ley anti-inmigrante y lanzó su punto de siete enfoques para la construcción de puentes de comunicación y desarrollo de trabajos para la comunidad hispana en lugar de barreras cual estas propuestas van a crear si son aprobadas por el gobernador Walker.
HNNUSA ha intentado en numerosas ocasiones para ponerse en contacto y obtener su posición sobre los proyectos de ley anti-inmigrantes, pero el reverendo Joe Ángel Medina, el actual Presidente de latino Caucus del Partido Republicano en Wisconsin y miembro del Comité Ejecutivo del Partido Republicano en Wisconsin ha estado en silencio y está siendo criticado por sus colegas republicanos latinos por su falta de compasión y reconocer el daño cual estos proyectos de ley anti-inmigrante pueda causar al pueblo por los legisladores republicanos. Para un reverendo, Medina parece sin corazón y no esta lo suficientemente preocupado por la difícil situación de la comunidad inmigrante de Wisconsin que está pasando hoy en día, de acuerdo con algunos republicanos latinos.
La hija del reverendo Medina, Amanda Medina-Roddy se está postulando como candidata para ser elegida como una de los miembros de la comunidad de la Junta Escolar de Waukesha y varios miembros de la comunidad latina preguntan donde realmente se encuentra ella en su posición sobre las leye anti-inmigrante y la retórica contra los inmigrantes. 
Uno de los proyectos de ley anti-inmigrante AB 723 fue co-patrocinada por la Diputada Estatal Jessie Rodriguez (R-Franklin), pero se reveló el 18 de febrero durante el debate en el pleno de la Cámara de Diputados que se emigró a los EE.UU. ilegalmente de El Salvador y más tarde logro su estatus legal. Desde que su previa condición ilegal se hizo público, se ha ido viral en las redes sociales y muchos latinos han publicado en Facebook lo que es una lástima que ella apoya proyectos de ley anti-inmigrante y se olvidó de dónde venía.
Rodríguez no ha respondido a las preguntas de HNNUSA sobre su estatus ilegal antes de hacerse legal en los EE.UU.
Hoy en día, el estado de Wisconsin se enfrenta a una disminución de las exportaciones a México y una pérdida de $6 mil millones de los ingresos de asociación entre México y Wisconsin sobre los proyectos de ley anti-inmigrante (AB 450 / SB 369 y AB 723 / SB 533) por los legisladores republicanos. Los mexicanos en Wisconsin están presionando a presidente Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN) y su administración de gobierno para actuar y le avise al gobernador Walker que no firme los dos proyectos de ley anti-inmigrante en ley. También quieren que el gobierno de EPN pueda empezar de disminuir todos los productos importados de Wisconsin como un movimiento de solidaridad con los mexicanos en el estado, si los proyectos de ley se conviertan en ley.
Robert F. Miranda, ex Director Ejecutivo de Esperanza Unidad, Inc., Editor en Jefe del Spanish Journal y columnista para el periódico de Turquía Yeni Asya acaba de publicar un artículo en Turquía titulado "Turquía debe analizar el comercio con el gobernador de Wisconsin Scott Walker". Miranda escribe, que las leyes anti-inmigrante no duda discriminan a los hispanos, los musulmanes y los inmigrantes. "Estas leyes tendrán un impacto negativo en su mayoría a inmigrantes hispanos en Wisconsin, y sin duda un impacto negativo en los inmigrantes musulmanes, así ... Turquía debería examinar las motivaciones de Wisconsin antes de participar en el comercio con un estado que los líderes actuales son intolerantes con los musulmanes y los inmigrantes", Miranda publicó en el periódico Yeni Asya en Turquía.

Otros presentes en la conferencia de prensa fueron los Diputados del Estado Josh Zepnick (D-Milw.), Jonathan Brostoff (D-Milw.), David Bowen (D-Milw.), Concejal de Milwaukee José G. Pérez, Tammy Rivera (SOC), Ernesto Nava (ex Presidente de Empresarios Pequeños), Norys Pina, Patricia Ruiz, Tony Garnica, abogada de inmigración Marisabel Cabrera (MPD y el comisionada de Bomberos), Ernesto Baca (UMOS) y Justin Bielinski, candidato a concejal en el distrito 8 en Milwaukee.

Video: Latinos y Voces de la Frontera anuncian próximas acciones contra proyectos de ley anti-inmigrante en Wisconsin para el 14 de marzo

Friday, February 26, 2016

Statewide Action Planned Against Several WI Republican Anti-immigrant Bills

Voces de la Frontera announced statewide action in 5 or 7 counties to pressure Governor Walker to veto several unpopular Republican anti-immigrant bills in Wisconsin.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 26, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - On Friday, Latinos, Democratic state legislators, conservatives, several non-profit organizations, a Milwaukee alderman including State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa (D-Milw.) held a press conference outside at the Super Mercado El Rey to announce continue statewide efforts to prevent several Republican anti-immigrant bills (AB 450/SB 369 and AB 723/SB 533) from being enacted into law in Wisconsin. Representative Zamarripa said that Governor Scott Walker (R-Wauwatosa) told her that he doesn't want for the State Senate to take up AB 450. Zamarripa stated, "that Governor Walker does not wish to see AB 450, the 'Sanctuary Cities' bill, be placed on the Senate calendar and be sent to his desk. Unfortunately it does appear that he is unwilling to veto SB 533, which would prohibit many immigrant Milwaukeeans from having access to a local identification card.
 "This fight is not over. I encourage members of the public to keep up the pressure on Gov. Walker and Republican legislators against both of these anti-immigrant bills in the weeks and months ahead." Rep. Zamarripa also said that last week Arizona voted down two similar bills that Republican state legislators in Wisconsin used to create the current controversial anti-immigrant bills in the state.
Christine Neumann-Ortiz, the Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera stated, that "on March 14th, there will be statewide local actions in the 5 to 7 counties with the largest concentration of Latinos and immigrants in the state to send a message to Governor Walker to veto SB 533 and AB 450, if it were to come to a vote.
"The truth is, we will not know, if AB 450 is really dead until March 15th, the last day the Senate will be in session, so on March 14th, we will continue to give voice to the statewide opposition to these anti-immigrant, racist bills," Neumann-Ortiz stated.
German Sánchez from Green Bay representing WISDOM says that Governor Walker needs to veto both bills. Sánchez has worked in a dairy farm for 10 years in Wisconsin.
Darryl Morin, the former Vice-president of LULAC, Midwest and Board member of the Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc., which operates the annual weekend Mexican Fiesta during the press conference says, that Latino Republicans, conservatives and Democrats have come forward to oppose these bills and people are working behind the scenes to stop both anti-immigrant bills from becoming law. Last Wednesday, Morin on his Facebook account posted, "These efforts have resulted in an unprecedented demonstration of our resolve against legislation targeting our community.  These bills seek to deprive the very human dignity with which each life is created, from so many who are simply seeking to provide for their families.  I do wish to clarify the SB 533's current status.  While passed by both the Senate and the Assembly, it is now before the Governor for his consideration."
The first Latino Republican Party member, Manuel Pérez, former Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development under Governor Walker made his position clear to Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA), that he was opposed to both anti-immigrant bills and released his seven point approach to building bridges with the Hispanic community instead of barriers.
HNNUSA has attempted numerous times to contact and get his position on the anti-immigrant bills, but Reverend Joe Angel Medina, the current Wisconsin Republican Party Caucus Chair and member of the Executive Committee of the Republican Party in Wisconsin has been silent and is being criticized by fellow Latino Republicans for his lack of stepping up and opposing the anti-immigrant rhetoric and state legislative bills passed by State Republican legislators targeted at the Hispanic community. For a reverend, Medina seems heartless and not passionate enough for the plight of the Wisconsin immigrant community, according to some Latino Republicans.
Reverend Medina's daughter, Amanda Medina-Roddy is currently running for the Waukesha School Board and Waukesha community members of the Latino community are wondering where she actually stands on the Republican anti-immigrant bills and rhetoric. 
One of the anti-immigrant bills AB 723 was co-sponsored by State Representative Jessie Rodriguez (R-Franklin), but it was revealed on February 18 during the Assembly floor debate that she immigrated to the U.S. illegally from El Salvador and later gained her legal status. Since her previous illegal status became public, it has gone viral on the social networks and many Latinos have posted on Facebook what a shame today that she supports anti-immigrant bills and forgot where she came from.
Rodriguez has not responded to HNNUSA inquiries about her prior illegal status in the U.S.
Today, the State of Wisconsin is facing a decrease of exports to Mexico and a loss of $6 Billion partnership revenues between both Mexico and Wisconsin over several anti-immigrant bills (AB 450/SB 369 and AB723/SB 533) by the Republican controlled legislature. Mexican nationals in Wisconsin are pressuring President Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN) to act and advice Governor Scott Walker not to sign two anti-immigrant bills into law. They also want the EPN government to decrease all imported products from Wisconsin as a solidarity move with Mexican nationals in the state, if the bills become law. 
Robert F. Miranda, former Esperanza Unidad Executive Director, Spanish Journal Editor-in-Chief and a columnist for Turkey's newspaper Yeni Asya just published an article in Turkey titled "Turkey Should Scrutinize Trade With Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker." Miranda writes, that the anti-immigrant laws do certainly discriminate Hispanics, Muslims and immigrants. "These laws will negatively impact mostly Hispanic immigrants in Wisconsin, and will certainly negatively impact Muslim immigrants as well...Turkey should scrutinize Wisconsin's motivations before engaging in trade with a state who's current leaders are intolerant of Muslims and immigrants," Miranda published in the Yeni Asya newspaper in Turkey.

Others present at the press conference were State Representatives Josh Zepnick (D-Milw.), Jonathan Brostoff (D-Milw.) and David Bowen (D-Milw.), Milwaukee Alderman José G. Pérez, Tammy Rivera (SOC), Ernesto Nava (former President of Empresarios Pequeños), Norys Pina, Patricia Ruiz, Tony Garnica, Attorney Marisabel Cabrera (MPD and Fire Commissioner), Ernesto Baca (UMOS) and Justin Bielinski, candidate for Alderman in the 8th Aldermanic District in Milwaukee.

Video: Latinos hold press conference in Milwaukee against WI Republican anti-immigrant bills

Thursday, February 25, 2016

UMOS Goes On Record To Oppose Several Republican Anti-immigrant Bills In Wisconsin

Several Republican anti-immigrant bills have become so unpopular within the Latino community statewide that the United Migrant Opportunity Services has now come forward to oppose AB 450.

La organización UMOS anunció su apoyo al pueblo Latino y su oposición contra la propuesta anti-inmigrante AB 450 de los Republicanos en el estado de Wisconsin.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 25, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - On Thursday, the United Migrant Opportunity Services, Inc. (UMOS) announced its opposition to both AB 450/SB 369 on their Facebook account. Lupe Martinez, the President and CEO of UMOS says, the AB 450 that was introduced in the state legislature does nothing to improve the economy or the quality of life for all Wisconsin residents, but are only "distracting and are needlessly divisive."

Lupe Martinez, el presidente y CEO de UMOS anunció su oposición en contra de la propuesta de ley anti-inmigrante AB 450/SB 369 por los Republicanos en las cámaras de Diputados y Senadores del estado de Wisconsin. Martinez dice, la propuesta anti-inmigrante divide al pueblo de Wisconsin y distrae de las necesidades de mejorar la economía y la vida de todos los residentes del estado de Wisconsin.

Latinos To Hold Update Press Conference On Anti-immigrant Bills At Chavez Drive

The struggle continues to stop two anti-immigrant bills in Wisconsin.

La lucha continua para poner alto a dos propuestas de leyes anti-inmigrantes en Wisconsin.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 25, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - A coalition of Latinos, public elected officials and community immigrant rights activists will hold a press conference on Friday to give the latest update concerning several Wisconsin anti-immigrant bills on S. Cesar E. Chavez Dr. The press conference will be held in front of El Rey Grocery store, 916 S. Cesar E. Chavez Dr. at 2:00 p.m. in Milwaukee.

Una coalición de Latinos, políticos y activistas pro-inmigrantes se reunirán este viernes por la tarde en una conferencia de prensa en el sur de la Chavez Drive para informar sobre los últimos acontecimientos y resultados de efuerzo masivo comunitario enfocado en las propuestas de leyes anti-inmigrante. La conferencia de prensa se llevará acabo a las 2:00 p.m. en frente de el Super Mercado El Rey, 916 S. de la César E. Chavez Drive en Milwaukee.

Wisconsin State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa (D-Milw.) in a news release says that Governor Scott Walker (R-Wauwatosa) told her that he doesn't want for the State Senate to take up SB 450/AB 369 on the floor and would not want it coming to his desk for his signature. Walker hasn't shown any opposition to AB 723/SB 533 and he might decide to sign it into law, according to Zamarripa. Zamarripa thanked everyone involved in the Latino community and all the Democrats in the legislature for their efforts to slow down the approval of the anti-immigrant bills. 

La Diputada JoCasta Zamarripa (D-Milw.) del estado de Wisconsin en un aviso de prensa dice que el Gobernador Scott Walker (R-Wuawatosa) le dijo en una conversación de que el no quisiera que la cámara del Senado debate o voten en favor de la propuesta SB 450/AB 369 ni la quiere ver al frente de el para firmarla a ley. Pero Walker no ha dado su oposición en contra la propuesta AB 723/SB 533, según Zamarripa. Zamarripa envío la gracias a todos quienes hicieron un esfuerzo para detener las propuestas anti-inmigrante y a los Demócratas en las cámaras del Senado y Diputados.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wisconsin Facing $6B And Product Exports Partnership Loss With Mexico Over Anti-immigrant Bills

Mexican nationals in Wisconsin are expected to add pressure for Mexico to act and decrease their imports of products from Wisconsin in protest that could effect a $6 Billion partnership between Mexico and Wisconsin over several anti-immigrant bills expected to be approved by Governor Walker.

Co-nacionales de México opuestos a dos anti-inmigrante leyes de Wisconsin están exigiéndole al gobierno y administración del Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto que mínima las importaciones de productos de Wisconsin a Mexico entre el acuerdo de comercio entre Wisconsin y México cual genera $6 billón de dólares en importaciones y exportaciones de productos entre ambos gobiernos.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 24, 2016

Madison, WI - The State of Wisconsin is facing a decrease of exports to Mexico and a loss of $6 Billion partnership revenues between both Mexico and Wisconsin over several anti-immigrant bills (AB 450/SB 369 and AB723/SB 533) by the Republican controlled legislature. Mexican nationals in Wisconsin are pressuring President Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN) to act and advice Governor Scott Walker not to sign two anti-immigrant bills into law. They also want the EPN government to decrease all imported products from Wisconsin as a solidarity move with Mexican nationals in the state, if the bills become law. 
Governor Scott Walker has not announced, if he will veto AB 723/SB 533, an ID restriction bill targeted at the undocumented worker in Wisconsin. AB 450/SB 369 allows law enforcement and public service workers to ask for legal status and report undocumented immigrants to ICE.

El estado de Wisconsin enfrenta una pérdida de exportación de productos a Mexico cual genera $6 billiones de dólares entre ambos gobiernos en importaciones y exportaciones sober un petición por co-nacionales en Wisconsin exigiéndole al Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto que se una con sus co-nacionales y exija al Gobernador Scott Walker el alto de dos leyes anti-inmigrantes (AB 450/SB 369 and AB723/SB 533). La primer ley pone restricciones a gobiernos municipales como pueden ofrecer tarjetas de identificación para trabajadores legales y la segunda ley le autoriza a policías, aguaciles y trabajadores públicos de preguntar el estatus de migración y denunciar a indocumentados a la migra.

The Secretary of Exterior Relations (SRE) says that the working relation with Wisconsin has generated at least $6B in U.S. dollars for Mexico and is a major exporter of products to Mexico ranking second and is considered the 21st business partner of Mexico in exports.

La SRE confirmo que ambos gobiernos de Wisconsin y México genera $6 billones de dólares en comercio y Wisconsin es un mayor importador de productos a Mexico en segundo lugar y en 21 posición como compañero de comercio de exportación.

There are approximately 260,000 in population of Mexican origin in the state, which is 75% of the total Hispanic population in Wisconsin. A new Consulate of Mexico in Milwaukee will open soon qnd with cover 53 of 72 counties in Wisconsin and 12 of 83 counties from state of Michigan.

Hay una aproximada de 260,000 personas de origen Mexicano en el estado de Wisconsin cual hace el 75% del total de Hispanos en el estado. México y Wisconsin aprobaron la apertura de un Consulado de México en Milwaukee para los próximo meses cual espera servir a 53 condados de 72 en Wisconsin y 12 de 83 condados de Michigan.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Arandas Taco Truck Worker Foils Attempted Armed Robbery in Milwaukee's Southside

Police say an Arandas taco truck worker struggled with armed robber and avoided a robbery.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 23, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - Milwaukee Police reported that they "are investigating an attempted armed robbery that happened around 8:10 p.m. on February 22 in the 3700 block of W. National Avenue.  The victim, a 30-year-old Milwaukee man, was working in a taco truck when he was approached by a male suspect.  The suspect displayed a gun and demanded money.  A struggle ensued between the victim and suspect before the suspect fled on foot.  MPD's investigation is ongoing," Sergeant Timothy Gauerke from the Milwaukee Police Chief's Office reported.
No one was reported injured and the Arandas taco truck worker is cooperating with police.
In an unrelated incident, a 35-year-old Milwaukee man died on Monday night at a local hospital after a hit-and-run by northbound white truck at 10:00 p.m. The victim was walking eastbound across S. Cesar E. Chavez Dr. and W. National Ave. when truck driver sped up to beat the light and failed to stop.
Police are looking a newer truck model with black rack holding ladders.
Police also reported that "with the help of employees at a South Side business, Milwaukee Police arrested an armed robbery suspect, already on probation for a separate crime. Just before 9:00 p.m. on February 20, a suspect walked into a business in the 2700 block of S. 13th Street, approached an employee, implied he had a weapon, and demanded money from the cash register. The employee refused and two security guards were able to detain the suspect until District Two officers arrived and took him into custody. The suspect, a 53-year-old Milwaukee man, confessed to the crime during an interview with detectives. The suspect has a criminal record dating back to 1989 and is currently on probation for an armed robbery in 2008."
In another incident, "a Milwaukee Police officer on active patrol interrupted an armed robbery in progress in a South Side neighborhood.  The officer from the Neighborhood Task Force was in his squad car near S. 12th Street and W. Greenfield Avenue just before 8:00 p.m. on February 20 when he noticed a pickup truck parked with half the truck on the curb.  Outside of the truck he saw a victim with his hands and arms raised and a suspect heading back to the truck.  The officer followed the truck and pulled it over at which time the victim, a 52-year-old Milwaukee man, approached the officer and said the truck's driver had just robbed him of his beer and used pliers as a weapon.  The officer found the stolen beer and pliers inside the suspect's car and the suspect, a 33-year-old man from Houston, Texas, was taken into custody," Milwaukee police reported.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Wisconsin Latino Republicans And Conservatives Upset With Two Anti-immigrant Bills

Two anti-immigrant bills passed by the majority of Republicans in the Wisconsin State Assembly last week has stirred up Latino Republicans and conservatives statewide.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 22, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) has learned that Republican Latinos and conservatives statewide have become upset and are planning to come forward in a united effort to oppose two legislative bills considered as anti-immigrant by the Hispanic population in Wisconsin. Two prominent and well respected Latinos in Wisconsin, Manuel "Manny" Perez, former Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development under Governor Scott Walker (R) and former Chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party Caucus and Zeus Rodriguez, an independent conservative leader of the Hispanics for Leadership and President of Hispanics for School Choice in the state have come forward and opposed both AB 450/SB 369 and AB 723/SB 533. Perez and Rodriguez have contacted Governor Walker and requested for him not to sign the bills into law by exercising an executive veto. 
Other prominent Latino Republicans and conservatives are coming together and a press conference is being planned within days to announced their effort to stop the passage of both bills to avoid a projected economic crisis affecting manufacturing, dairy farms, jobs, a public safety issue forcing immigrants from reporting crimes to law enforcement for fear of being detained, etc. and continued backlash from the Hispanic taxpayer and voting community, according to sources close to Governor Walker's office.
Last Thursday, at least 60,000 Latino taxpayers, non-Latinos, children and students marched around the Madison State Capitol in protest of the anti-immigrant bills. The mega march outside the Capitol building in Madison was sponsored by Voces de la Frontera (VDLF).  
AB 450/SB 369 are pending in the State Senate for debate and approval, AB 723/SB 533 were approved by both the Assembly and Senate on February 18.
HNNUSA has also learned that Voces de la Frontera, a workers and immigrant rights organization is planning protests and a statewide boycott, if Governor Walker signs the anti-immigrant bills into law or does not veto them, according to sources close to VDLF.

Update: Another respected Latino Republican Party member Darryl Morin, former Vice-president of LULAC in the Midwest and Board member of the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, which operates Mexican Fiesta posted on his Facebook account on Wednesday, "I wish to thank everyone as well as the numerous organizations, for your advocacy efforts to block AB450 and SB533 from become Wisconsin State law. These efforts have resulted in an unprecedented demonstration of our resolve against legislation targeting our community. These bills seek to deprive the very human dignity with which each life is created, from so many who are simply seeking to provide for their families. I do wish to clarify the SB533's current status. While passed by both the Senate and the Assembly, it is now before the Governor for his consideration. It will not automatically become law on Thursday, February 25, 2016. By statute, the Governor has until late April to consider the bill. This being said, it is important that we continue our advocacy efforts and please be assured that efforts to block these bills are being made at every level. Thank you all once again and God bless."
According to the Wisconsin Constitution under Section 10 of Article V, once a legislative bill is passed by both the State Assembly and the Senate, the state governor has six days from the time he received the bill excluding Sundays to sign the bill into law or veto it. If the governor doesn't act on a bill, the bill becomes law automatically, which is rare for a Wisconsin governor not to act on a bill.

Voces de la Frontera released the following statewide alert to supporters and immigrants, ¡ALERTA! ¡Si Walker no veta SB533 (la propuesta de ley para bloquear los IDs locales) antes de jueves, automáticamente se convierte en ley! ¡INVITAMOS A TODXS MIEMBRXS DE LA COMUNIDAD QUE LLAMEN A WALKER AL 608-266-1212 Y QUE ORGANICEN PROTESTAS AFUERA DE OFICINAS REPUBLICANAS EN SU ÁREA LO MÁS PRONTO POSIBLE! ¡SI SB533 O AB450 PASEN, LLAMAREMOS PARA UN BOICOT NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL DE LAS COMPAÑÍAS QUE HAN DONADO DINERO A WALKER PARA SUS CAMPAÑAS ELECTORALES! Llame al 414-828-2692 o 414-469-9206 para recibir apoyo en organizando su acción. #WisconsinIsNotArizona #daywithoutlatinos #AltoSB533


FMUSLMS Plates Revoked And Confiscated By MN State For Being Offensive

Man was issued Minnesota personalized license plates considered offensive to Muslims.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 22, 2016 

Saint Paul, Minnesota - On Monday, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (MDPS) confirmed that the personalized license plates FMUSLMS issued to a man in Big Lake will be revoked and confiscated for being offensive to the Muslim community. The plates were issued by the Minnesota Department of Motor Vehicle and its policy to issue personalized plates will be reviewed and change on how plates are issued. MDPS has apologized to the Muslim community for issuing the plates.
A photo of the rear FMUSLMS plate was taken by Haji Yusuf, a high school student in St. Cloud and posted it on his Facebook account on Saturday, which went viral.

Male Suspect Sought In Walgreens Manager Stabbing In Milwaukee

Male suspect fled scene after stabbing a Walgreens Drug store manager in Milwaukee's Southside location.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 22, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - The Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) released the following news report and are "asking the public to help identify a suspect who is accused of stabbing an employee at Walgreens, 2625 W. National Avenue, around 10:15 p.m. on February 21.
"The suspect walked into the store and started pounding on an office door.  A manager and a security guard responded and began to escort the suspect out of the store.  While outside the store, the suspect took out an unknown object and stabbed the manager, a 41-year-old Milwaukee man, before fleeing on foot.  The victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment of a non-life threatening injury.
"The suspect is described as a white male, between 40-50 years-old, 160-180 pounds, with a mustache and bald spot.  He was last seen wearing a blue jacket with a horizontal gray stripe on the back, a gray hooded sweatshirt, a green t-shirt, and blue jeans," according to MPD.

Update: The wanted suspect was taken into custody on Monday at the 2500 block of W. Scott Street.

Jessie Rodriguez, Wisconsin State Republican Representative Entered The U.S. Illegally

Wisconsin Republican State Representative Jessie Rodriguez entered the U.S. illegally, Rodriguez la Diputada estatal Republicana fue una inmigrante ilegal en los EEUU

Hispanic News Newark U.S.A.
February 22, 2016

Madison, WI - El Jueves pasado (18 de Feb.) después que miles de personas Latinas quienes pagan impuestos protestaron varías leyes anti-inmigrantes (AB 450/SB 369 y AB 723/SB 533) por los Republicanos en el capitolio de Madison incluyendo una ley (AB 723) co-patrocinada por la Diputada estatal Jessie Rodriguez (R-Franklin) se reveló que ella cruzó ilegal a EEUU desde El Salvador y después se legalizó. Que vergüenza ahora, Rodriguez apoya leyes anti-inmigrante.
Rodriguez no comentado sobre su pasado de ser inmigrante ilegal en los EEUU.

Madison, WI - Last Thursday's (Feb. 18) mega turnout by Latino taxpayers responding and protesting against several anti-immigrant bills (AB 450/SB 369 and AB 723/SB 533) at the Madison Capitol including one (AB 723) co-sponsored by State Representative Jessie Rodriguez (R-Franklin) revealed that she immigrated to the U.S. illegally from El Salvador and later gained her legal status. What a shame today that she supports anti-immigrant bills.
Rodriguez has not responded to inquiries about her prior illegal status in the U.S.

Friday, February 19, 2016

White Republican State Anti-immigrant Bills Opposed By Latino GOP Members

The State Senate under Republican control might avoid a vote on immigration local enforcement bill AB 450/SB 369.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 19, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - On Friday, Voces de la Frontera (VDLF), a workers and immigrant rights organization reported that the State Senate, which is controlled by Republicans might not vote on Assembly Bill 450/Senate Bill 369 after all, but the Senate session hasn't ended yet. The Senate will meet again in March to take up bills passed by the Assembly as well. AB 450/SB 369 is pending in the Senate after it was passed by the Republican controlled Assembly on Tuesday.
VDLF says, that on Friday, a spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (MJS) that the Senate would not likely take up AB 450/SB 369 because it is not a priority.
AB 450/SB 369 would lead police to investigate people's immigration status and detain undocumented people for deportation.
The state immigration local enforcement (sanctuary) bill was passed by the Republican controlled Assembly including State Representative Yesenia Eldermira "Jessie" Rodriguez (R-Franklin). Zeus Rodriguez, a respected member of the Hispanic community also a member of the Hispanics for Leadership group and the former President of the Southside St. Anthony's Catholic School (2011-2015) in the Hispanic community praised Senator Fitzgerald for his stance not to take up AB 450/SB 369, according to the MJS.
Zeus, his cousin Aaron Rodriguez, a fireman and a conservative writer and blog administrator including Jessie and Ivan Gamboa, the senior vice president of the Tri City National Bank created Hispanics for School Choice, a non-profit organization in 2010. Jessie is married to Aaron.
The MJS recently reported that Representative Jessie Rodriguez immigrated to the U.S. from El Salvador as an illegal immigrant and later legalized her status.
Jessie since being elected in 2013 to the State Assembly has endorsed school choice initiatives, but has a history of voting against a proposed bill related to creating an optional state holiday for Cesar E. Chavez, the late leader of the United Farm Workers organization.
Rep. Jessie Rodriguez voted for two anti-immigrant bills and co-sponsored AB 723, which would restrict the issuance of a municipality identification card prohibiting the use for voting, getting public assistance and can only be used as employment ID's.
On Thursday, more than 60,000 Latino taxpayers from 30 Wisconsin cities including children and students rallied in Madison against several anti-immigrant bills passed by Republican legislators. Some GOP members are now opposing the passage of AB 450/SB 369 because it could keep Latinos from voting Republican. 
A known journalist and activist from the Hispanic community in Milwaukee, Robert Miranda, former Esperanza Unida, Inc. Executive Director released an open letter that criticized Reverend Joe Angel Medina, the Wisconsin Republican Party Caucus Chair and member of the Executive Committee of the Republican Party in Wisconsin for his lack of stepping up and opposing the anti-immigrant rhetoric and state legislative bills passed by State Republican legislators targeted at the Hispanic community.
Reverend Medina's daughter, Amanda Medina-Roddy is currently running for the Waukesha School Board and Waukesha community members of the Latino community are wondering where she actually stands on the Republican anti-immigrant bills and rhetoric.
Another prominent Republican member and former Wisconsin Republican Party Caucus Chairman, Manuel "Manny" Perez is speaking out against the anti-immigrant bills and released his approach to building bridges with the Hispanic community instead of barriers.

Update: On Saturday, Manuel "Manny" Perez responded on Facebook to the Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) article and released a statement when asked,  "Manny, as a prominent and well respected Latino Republican Party member in the state of WI and the first Hispanic to be appointed as Secretary of the WI DWD under Governor Scott Walker (R), do you support or not support Governor Walker to sign the current bills AB 450/SB 369 and AB 723/SB 533 into law? Also, do you support Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) stance not to take up AB 450/SB 369 as a priority to vote on the bill?"

Perez posted the following statement on Facebook, "As Walker’s first Secretary of Workforce Development and a moderate Republican, I formally ask Gov. Scott Walker not sign these bills and of Scott Fitzgerald and Republican Legislators  to block and put a stop to these this legislation. The public perception is that of anti-immigrant and anti-worker posture when in fact undocumented workers are present because companies are hiring them, because they are good workers seeking to feed their families here and in other countries, and when in fact both Democratic and Republican administration have contributed to the existence of undocumented workers. Workers are not terrorists; they are here as a result of many factors that include among many corruption and lack of jobs in developing nations and US International policy. A framework was presented by me in 2014 to both Paul and Ron. It is sound and most certainly can be improved upon. I ask instead for the Republican and Democratic representatives to pass resolutions exerting tremendous pressure on the federal government to undertake immigration reform that tackles the ROOT causes of immigration without making the workers and private sector that hire them the scapegoats for failures of past Republican and Democrat administrations because they will –without doubt- both suffer.  It is time for all Wisconsinites to go beyond a myopic / parochial view of labor, and of international flows of labor when in fact there are many geopolitical, international trade, US policy issues that contribute to illegal immigration."

Zeus Rodriguez on Saturday responded to the HNNUSA article and stated, "...for the record I am not a Republican. I am an Independent, and make that as well-known as I can. That being said, I do tend to support many more Republican initiatives because I believe that what they usually propose is better for our community i.e. School Choice and free-market principles. And most importantly they reflect my Catholic faith in regards to religious liberty and are fundamentally pro-life. So to answer your questions, I do not support either bill but am much more discouraged by AB450. And as I said in my open letter to Republican leadership, I am asking the Senate and Governor Walker to ignore the bill or at the very least have it pertain only to convicted felons. Thank you."

Video: 60K Latinos rallied in Madison, WI against anti-immigrant bills

The following are Miranda's open letter to Reverend Medina and released statement by Perez, the former Wisconsin DWD Secretary under Governor Scott Walker (R).


Hispanic GOP Anti-Immigrant Bill

Mr. Joe Medina
Chairman, Hispanic Caucus
and Member of the Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Wisconsin

Ref: AB 450

Dear Mr. Medina:

I once served as Chairman of the Latino Caucus of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. As you are currently Chairman of the Hispanic Caucus of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, I am frankly flabbergasted by your silence regarding the anti-immigrant rhetoric of the Republican Party of which you are a member.

The recent passage of AB 450 without so much as a word of protest from you is very disheartening. Your lack of leadership is very disappointing to the vast majority of
Latinos in Wisconsin.

I am very disappointed by your lack of concern for a bill that has the potential to separate U.S.-born children from their parents-which is completely inhuman.

Further, this legislation makes Wisconsin look bad. It does not serve any measure of security. It feeds into the Trump-like paranoia being fueled by venomous words supported by the polluted minds of certain people. You know that Latinos of all walks of life love this country and have served our nation proudly. Why are you silent about this matter?

Your lack of leadership is helping to fuel unfounded fears of Latino immigrants. A fear that your Party is helping to encourage.

Unfortunately, you have not made any public statement against these bills, nor have you condemned the false narratives produced by over-zealous anti-immigrant members of the Republican Party.

Your silence certainly makes the relationship between the Republican Party and Latinos here in Wisconsin appears to be a relationship of Hispanic subjugation.

If you as a conservative view this bill as being representative of conservative values, then I fear for the future of our great state and mighty nation. If Hispanic leaders of the Republican Party are too timid to stand against an unjust law such as AB450, then the future of
the Republican Party of Wisconsin should be a future sin Latinos.

I am asking that you condemn this bill for the sake of immigrant families and their U.S.-citizen children. I also am asking that, as Chairman of the Hispanic Caucus of the Republican Party, that you publicly condemn this law and ask Governor Walker not to sign this bill.

Wisconsin Hispanic Republicans should be in a position to guide the GOP towards a common sense approach to immigration. Being silent is counterproductive.

Robert Miranda
Editor, Wisconsin Spanish Journal
Program Director, WTSJ - Channel 38
Former Chairman, Latino Caucus, Democratic Party of Wisconsin

Manny Perez Position in relation to laws being passed in the Wisconsin Assembly: We must go beyond politics on immigration for the sake of Wisconsin and its people.

With great concern I have seen the approval of laws being perceived as anti-immigrant in the State of Wisconsin; which in my opinion do not reflect that a careful analysis of the economic and geopolitical realities has taken place.

Two years ago, August 2014, I presented the outlined framework to Sen. Johnson and Paul Ryan. Please read. They have been initially supported by both and most certainly can be improved. I ask -from the bottom of my heart- of all Republicans and Democrats that for the sake of Wisconsin and its people we must go beyond politics.

Here is the body of the proposal:


1. US must change its foreign relations policy towards Latin America via the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to tie development loans to actual, measurable, sustainable employment outcomes and increases in purchasing power. OBJECTIVE: Lower the supply of labor to the US via increased employment in Latin America, increase consumption in Latin America and aggregate demand for US products and services; reduce corruption in Third World government / nations, maximize use of US taxpayer funds 

2. Protect the border with increased security OBJECTIVE: Lower supply of undocumented labor to the US while increasing security; act in unison with the rest of the measures
3. Implement MANAGED LABOR FLOWS approach / Temporary Guest Worker Program to existing UNDOCUMENTED workers in the US and overseas; consider granting temporary work permits to existing undocumented workers. OBJECTIVE: Meet labor demand needs on understaffed positions, or positions where skill is needed, or seasonal employment 

4. Standardize E-Verify across the US and penalize US employers and workers who violate the law OBJECTIVE: Increase security, ensure workers are protected under labor laws, ensure proper accounting for taxes paid
5. Establish comprehensive economic development and workforce development strategy at the national level as opposed to hodgepodge or reactionary initiatives OBJECTIVE: Provide a stable, flexible economic development and workforce development framework to the states that they can use to maximize outcomes and train the local workforce; yet achieve aggregate results 

6. Ensure all nations adhere to accepted WTO labor standards OBJECTIVE: Ensure all nations play under the same rules, protect workers' rights and safety, and ensure stable labor force for business. 

7. Focus on measurable results and outcomes OBJECTIVE: Reduce heated rhetoric and politicking and maximize benefits to the citizens and the nation

Filtration Systems Supervisor In Waukesha Suspends Employees For Attending Day Without Latinos Rally In Madison

First reported suspension case by company supervisor involving Hispanic employees for attending Thursday's rally against the Republican anti-immigrant bills that were approved in Madison.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 19, 2016

Waukesha, WI - On Friday, Luis Torres released a three-day suspension notice that he and other employees received from their supervisor at Filtration Systems, Inc. in Waukesha after attending Thursday's rally against several anti-immigrant bills passed by the majority of White racist Republican legislators in Madison. Torres was one among 60,000 Latino taxpayers who went to Madison during the Day without Latinos and Immigrants rally sponsored by Voces de la Frontera (VDLF).
Torres posted his dismay on Compras y Ventas en Wisconsin on Facebook. He contacted VDLF for assistance in his case.
Torres posted that the supervisor was notified by the employees a day before that they would be attending the rally in Madison and that the supervisor for some reason has lied and gave them a three-day suspension without pay as a first wsrning for not showing up for work and holding up production. Torres claims the supervisor is doing an injustice. He has worked at Filtration systems for 10 years.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Republican Anti-immigrant Legislation Ignites Protest By Latinos

Thousands rallied around the Madison Capitol to protest severel anti-immigrant bills targeted at the Hispanic community in Wisconsin.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 18, 2016

Madison, WI - On Thursday, more than 60,000 Latinos and non-Latinos including children and students marched around the Madison State Capitol shoulder to shoulder in protest against several anti-immigrant bills that were passed by the majority of White racist Republican legislators. Both bills AB450/SB369 and SB533/AB723, which one bill allows law enforcement to report undocumented suspects arrested and charged for a crime to ICE and the second bill restricts local and county governments from issuing identification cards to undocumented immigrants and sanctuary cities. 
A statewide shut down of businesses was organized as "Day without Latinos and Immigrants" by Voces de la Frontera (VDLF), a workers and immigrant rights organization to show the economic impact the state anti-immigrant bills by the Republican controlled legislature have in the state economy.
At least 15 cities were represented by Latino taxpayers at the rally, according to Christine Neumann Ortiz, the executive director of VDLF.
State Representive JoCasta Zamarripa (D-Milw.) and other Democrat legislators joined the rallied in front of the State Capitol building. Not one Republican or State Representative Yesenia Eldermira "Jessie" Rodriquez (R-Oak Creek) who co-sponsored AB 723 made their presence at the mega Latino rally.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that Rep. Rodriguez immigrated to the U.S. from El Salvador as an illegal immigrant herself and later gained legal status.

 Video: 60K Latinos Rallied In Madison, WI against anti-immigrant bills

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Anti-immigrant Legislative Bills Passed By Wisconsin Republicans

Several anti-immigrant legislative bills passed by the Republican controlled legislature in Wisconsin and now head to Governor Scott Walker (R-Wauwatosa) office for his signature.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 16, 2016

Madison, WI - On Tuesday,  the Wisconsin State Assembly Republicans passed AB723/SB533 bills by a vote of 62-35 limiting the use of municipal ID's by local and county governments. ID's can not be used for voting purposes and would be used for employment related only, which eliminates the ID use by undocumented and unauthorized workers. State Representative Yesenia Eldermira "Jessie" Rodriquez (R-Oak Creek) was a co-sponsor of the bill and State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa (D-Milw.) opposed the bill along with Democrats in the Assembly.
The State Senate passed the bill by a vote of 19-13. The bill now goes to Governor Scott Walker for his signature.

La Cámara de Diputados estatal en Wisconsin aprobaron la leyes AB723/SB533 limitando el uso de Identificación (ID) municipal con un voto de 62-35. La ID es válida para el empleo y no es válida para votar en elecciones y también se prohíbe el uso como ID para trabajadores indocumentados. La Diputada Estatal Yesenia Eldermira "Jessie" Rodriquez (R-Oak Creek) fue co-patrocinadora de la ley AB723/SB533 y la Diputada Estatal JoCasta Zamarripa (D-Milw.) voto en contra la ley igual que la mayoría de Demócratas.
El Senado estatal aprobó la ley con un voto de 19-13. El Gobernador Scott Walker le toca firmar la ley.

The Wisconsin Assembly Bill 450 also passed on a vote of 62-35 by the Republican majority allowing law enforcement to report undocumented criminals charged with a crime to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). SB 369/AB 450, which prohibits sanctuary cities (Milwaukee, Racine, Madison) goes to the Senate for debate and approval.

La mayoría de Republicanos en la Cámara de Diputados en Wisconsin con un voto de 62-35 aprobaron la ley AB 450 cual prohíbe ciudades de santuario en Milwaukee, Racine y Madison para indocumentados y ordena a departamentos de policías y de aguacil para denunciar a indocumentados arrestados y acusados de crímenes a la migra (ICE). La ley AB 450 fue enviada a la Cámara del Senado estatal para un debate y voto.

In another bill, Republicans in the State Assembly on a vote of 33-62 refused to pull AB 437 from committee to debate on the Assembly floor, which would honor César E. Chavez Birthday as an optional holiday for March 31 in Wisconsin. Chavez was the United Farm Workers (UFW) leader from California. The Democrats voted in favor.

Los Republicanos en la Cámara de Diputados se negaron con votar 33-62 para no remover AB 437 de un comité para introducir, decidir y reconocer en honor del cumpleaños del fallecido líder de la Unión de Campesinos (UFW) César E. Chavez como un día de descanso opcional el 31 de Marzo. Los Demócratas votaron a favor.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Thousands Of Latino Taxpayers To Invade Wisconsin State Capitol In Protest Of GOP Anti-immigrant Bills

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) and the Republican controlled legislature facing an invasion of thousands of Latino taxpayers who are very unhappy with several proposed anti-immigrant bills that will affect the economic well being of the state.

Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 15, 2016

Madison, WI - On Thursday, thousands of Latino taxpayers from throughout Wisconsin are expected to converge and invade the State Capitol in a peaceful protest against several anti-immigrant bills expected to be approved by both the State Assembly and the Senate on Tuesday, which both chambers are controlled by the Republicans. Voces de la Frontera (VDLF), an immigrant and worker rights organization is one of several groups sponsoring the peaceful takeover of the Madison State Capitol by immigrants in protest of the Republican controlled legislature push to pass legislative bills not friendly to Wisconsin dairy/agricultural farmers, Hispanics and the immigrant population in the state.
The mainstream media has not widely reported that many Latinos will not show up for work or open their businesses on Thursday as it is being labeled "Día Sin Latinos e Inmigrantes, Day without Latinos and Immigrants."
Hispanics became the largest minority in Wisconsin last Summer surpassing the Afro-American population statewide.
VDLF announced that on Tuesday, the Wisconsin State Assembly will vote on AB450/SB369 and SB533/AB723, and the Senate will vote on SB533/AB723.
AB450/SB369 would lead police to investigate people's immigration status and detain undocumented people for deportation.
SB533/AB723 would block counties statewide from issuing local identification cards to people who cannot access state ID. 
Two opposing views among State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa (D-Milw.) and State Representative Yesenia Eldermira "Jessie" Rodriquez (R-Oak Creek), Zamarripa has been vocal against AB 450/AB 723 and Rodriguez votes along Republican party lines, which favor passing anti-immigrant bills.
The bills once passed by the Republican controlled legislature on Tuesday, they will head to Governor Walker for his signature of approval.

In an added note both in Spanish and English by H. Nelson Goodson, an immigration reform and immigrant rights activist and editor of Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA), "Una manera que puede influir una reforma de migración justa y combatir este tipo de racismo incluyendo leyes anti-inmigrantes es de aprender de gastar menos y apoyar los negocios cuales no apoyan en el estado.
"Si gastamos menos hasta que pasen una reforma justa nacional, pues les va doler en el bosillo a los anti-inmigrantes que son los Republicanos racistas.
"Gastamos más de $2 trillones de dólares en este país y ya es tiempo de manejar nuestro dinero para influir una reforma justa. La fuerza económica está en tu bolsillo. (Compartan este post si están de acuerdo mi gente)

"One way to help influence a just national comprehensive immigration reform and to fight against racism including anti-immigrant legislative bills is to spend less and spend only at businesses that support immigrants while also learning to manage our economic empowerment to influence reform.
"If we spend less until immigration reform is passed, it will certainly effect the pocket of the anti-immigrant and racist Republicans.
We spend more than $2 Trillion in the U.S., it is time to manage our economic power to influence  reform. Your economic power is in your pocket, use it to your benefit. (Share post, if you agree)"

Update: On Tuesday, the Wisconsin Assembly Bill 450 passed 62-35 by the Republican majority allowing law enforcement to report undocumented criminals charged with a crime to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). SB 369/AB 450, which prohibits sanctuary cities (Milwaukee, Racine, Madison) was sent to the Senate for debate and vote.

La mayoría de la Cámara de Diputados de Wisconsin con un voto de 62-35 aprobaron la ley AB 450 cual prohíbe ciudades de santuario en Milwaukee, Racine y Madison para indocumentados y ordena a departamentos de policías y de aguacil para denunciar a indocumentados arrestados y acusados de crímenes a la migra (ICE). La ley SB 369/AB 450 fue enviada a la Cámara del Senado estatal para un debate y voto.

The Senate also passed SB 533 by a vote of 19-13. The ID bill goes before Governor Scott Walker for his signature to make it law.

La ley de ID's municipales con restricciones fue aprobada por el Senado estatal con un voto de 19-13. El Gobernador Scott Walker ahora le toca poner su firma para que se convierta ley en Wisconsin.

A partial list of businesses that will close on Thursday to allow employees to rally in Madison against the Republican anti-immigrant bills targeted at Hispanics living in Wisconsin.

 ● El Rey Grocery Stores (400 employees)

 ● La Hacienda Grocery Store on Chavez Dr.

 ● El Cabrito Restaurant on S. 11th Street

 ● Taqueria Arandas Restaurant on S. 13

 ● Panaderia Lincoln

 ● Fiesta Salon and Spa

 ● MG Multiservicios on Chavez Drive

 ● Rivera's Western Wear on Chavez Dr.

 ● Loncherias Charrito

 ● ACTS Housing

 ● General Towing

 ● Apocolyptic Tattoo Shop 

 ● La Carcacha Auto Shop

 ● El Tucanazo Restaurant on S. 13th Street

 ● Fiesta Garibaldi

 ● Van Horn Latino

 ● Crystal Alteraciones

 ● Ropa Tradicional

 ● Mi Lupita Grocery

 ● Shalom Secondhand

 ● BA Handyman

 ● Celebrity’s Hall on W. Greenfield Ave.

 ● G&P Construction LLC

 ● JC King’s Tortas and Restaurant on S. 13th Street

 ● Compucell

 ● Nails On Point

 ● Mi Supermercado on S. 13th Street

 ● Panaderia El Sol on S. Muskego Ave.

 ● Carniceria Vargas

 ● Servicios M. Govea Steel Solutions (plasma cutter specialty of 70 employees)

 ● La Canoa Restaurant on W. Lincoln Ave.

 ● La Fondita Restaurant on W. Greenfield Ave.

 ● Flylda Travel on W. Mitchell St.

 ● El Beso Mexican Restaurant in Greenfield

 ● Chicken Palace in Milwaukee

 ● National Liquor

 ● La Caleta Restaurant

 ● FatValdys

 ● RealMex

 ● El Mañanero Newspaper

 ● Ruiz Drywall in Wausau

 ● Restaurant Bar La Niñera 

● Candelas Bar Jimenez

 ● D'Ruben's Hair Salon on S. 13th Street

 ● Tres Hermanos Restaurant on W. Lincoln Ave. 

● McDonald's Restaurant in Middleton

 In Madison

 ● Le Petit Croissant

 ● La Conchas

 ● Mercado Marimar

 ● El Jalapeño

 ● Pancake House

 ● La Brioche True Foods

 ● Latino Academy

 ● Lotus Nails Bar and Spa

 ● Los Gemelos Restaurant

 ● El Pastor Restaurant

 ● Ladybug Learning Center

 ● Quivy's Restaurant

 ● Original Pancake House 

 ● Mami Familia Daycare

 ● Castro Law Firm

 Update video: Latino Taxpayers Rallied In Madison, WI Against Anti-immigrant Bills

Towed Vehicles From A Madison McDonald's Draws Boycott Call By Angry Patrons

A video posted calling for a boycott of a South Madison McDonald's restaurant goes viral after vehicles towed.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 15, 2016 

Madison, WI - On Saturday, several people who parked at the McDonald's restaurant at 2402 S. Park St. in Madison discovered that their vehicles had been towed while attending a nearby 2 hour meeting at the Centro Hispano, 810 W. Badger Rd. to plan for a massive protest against multiple anti-immigrant bills proposed by the GOP controlled legislature at the State Capitol on Thursday. A video posted by Julio JC Bahena in Facebook (FB) went viral after he called on FB users to boycott the McDonald's restaurant for towing at least 7 vehicles. According to Bahena, several workers at McDonald's, an Afro-American employee and a White manager began to laugh at people who attempted to reason with them not to let a towing service take their vehicles from the parking lot. A sign is posted by McDonald's allowing customers to park for at least 60 minutes and to allow people to eat inside for 30 minutes or more, if given permission to stay.
The manager of the McDonald's could be heard telling Bahena to stop recording and to leave the restaurant or she would call 911, if they failed to leave. Bahena responded by telling her to call 911 and that he was not going to leave.
The restaurant has parking for about 40 vehicles and it was a slow Saturday, according to Manuel Rosales, whose vehicle was towed. Rosales posted on FB that the management disrespected Hispanics and laughed at them because their vehicles were being towed.
An estimated 300 Hispanics attended a meeting at the Centro Hispano organized by Voces de la Frontera (VDLF) from Milwaukee and the Madison affiliate. VDLF was holding a meeting to plan for a massive protest on Thursday against several proposed anti-immigrant bills by the GOP controlled legislature. The protest is being labeled "Un Día Sin Latinos."
According to Rosales, Christine Newmann Ortiz, the executive director for VDLF took time to speak with the McDonald's manager and the owner at the S. Park St. location and asked them to release the vehicles without getting charged for towing fees.
VDLF announced that on Tuesday, the Wisconsin State Assembly will vote on AB450/SB369 and SB533/AB723, and the Senate will vote on SB533/AB723.
AB450/SB369 would lead police to investigate people's immigration status and detain undocumented people for deportation.
SB533/AB723 would block counties statewide from issuing local identification cards to people who cannot access state ID. 

Online petition being circulated to stop the anti-immigrant bills in Wisconsin at link:

Friday, February 12, 2016

Crystal City Mayor Ricardo Lopez Resigned Over Recall Petition And Federal Public Corruption Indictment

The Crystal City Clerk has verified a recall petition against three city officials including Mayor Lopez.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 12, 2016

Crystal City, Texas - On Friday, Ricardo Lopez, the Mayor of Crystal City and Councilman Roel Mata resigned shortly after the Crystal City Clerk's office verified recall petition signatures to recall Mayor Lopez, 40, Mayor Pro-tem and Councilman Rogelio G. Mata, 43, and Councilman Marco A. Rodriguez. Rodriguez who was arrested last month for human trafficking and Mata have yet to resign and will face a recall election to oust them from office. The three city officials were among five who were indicted by a federal grand jury for bribery and public corruption charges while in office. Two other city officials who were also indicted are Councilman Roel Mata, 44, and City Manager and Attorney William James Jonas III, 54. Former Councilman Gilbert Urrabazo, 45, and businessman Ngoc Tri Nguyen, 38, aka, "Mr. T," a contractor and business man were indicted as well for bribery and corruption charges.
KSAT 12 reported that Selina Ramos, the City Clerk had refused Mayor Lopez to sign the City Council agenda to make it official. Ramos also left her office and refused to meet with media over the controversy. Lopez says, the City agenda needed to be signed by him in order to become official. Police later confronted Mayor Lopez and told him not to contact Ramos until she contacts him. Police neither Ramos explained if they had a court order barring Mayor Lopez and the Council from conducting a meeting causing chaos at City Hall on Friday. Lopez intended to resign after the Council meeting. Councilman Joel Barrajas is the only one who hasn't been indicted for bribery charges.
Last Thursday, the FBI raided City Hall in Crystal City resulting with the arrest of four City officials including Mayor Lopez, Mayor Pro-Tem Mata,  City Councilman Roel Mata and Interim City Manager and Attorney Jonas III, also taken into custody were former City Councilman Urrabazo and businessman Nguyen in connection with taking bribes to help Nguyen, a contractor to establish 8-liner gaming rooms around Crystal City and providing city tax waivers, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Western District of Texas. The 8-liner gaming operation paid players in cash and the gambling operation is illegal in Texas.
Rogelio, Lopez and Roel were taken into custody in Crystal City, Jonas and Urrabazo were arrested in San Antonio and Nguyen was arrested in Keller, Texas.
Each of the defendants were charged with one felony count each for conspiracy to commit bribery involving an entity receiving over $10,000 in federal funds, in addition, Jonas was charged with three counts for bribery, Rogelio, Roel, Urrabazo, Lopez and Ngugen were charged with one felony count each for bribery. If convicted, each defendant is facing up to 10 years in a federal prison and up to $250,000 in fines for each count.
The FBI also raided the San Antonio office of attorney Jonas to search for evidence connected to the bribing and gaming operation. Jonas who earned $216K per year as a Crystal City Manager allegedly took money from Nguyen in exchange to help facilitate the gaming operation in Crystal City.
The FBI, San Antonio Police, the Texas Rangers and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection took part in the joint gaming operation bust.
According to the unsealed indictment against the defendants named in the case, the defendants began to conspire to commit favorable action to award city service contracts valued at more than $12,000 to Nguyen beginning in April 2015. Nguyen in return paid Jonas up to $7,791, Urrabazo $2,000, Roel Mata $$2,000, Mayor Lopez received $6,000 to purchase a vehicle and Rogelio Mata up to $500.
The city officials indicted conspired and acted to "waived certain tax payments" for Nguyen and directed Crystal City employees "to close competing businesses and to conduct City inspections to benefit Nguyen," according to the federal indictment.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Carjacker Whooped And Knocked Out By Milwaukee Southside Vigilantes

Vigilantes who were not identified apparently beat, then partially stripped an alleged would be carjacker to his underwear, socks and knocked him down on the freezing snowy ground as nearby neighbors watched and took photos.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 8, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, a suspected carjacker was left behind after a failed attempt to steal a caravan in Milwaukee's Southside. Several photos appeared on the social network showing an alleged carjacker who got a beating, knocked down and left on the snowy ground (sidewalk) partially unclothed.
According to a FB posting of a nextdoor neighbor of the intended carjacking victim, at least three Afro-Americans in a greenish or bluish Cavalier tried to steal a caravan around 1:50 p.m. near the 3200 block of W. Madison Street and a vigilante or vigilantes intervened and were able to beat up one of the car thieves.
The vigilantes then chased the suspects across the S. 35th St. Viaduct heading north, according to FB postings.
Police were notified after the suspect's photo began to circulate on FB. The suspect was arrested and police have initiated an investigation of the attempted Southside carjacking.

Update: On Tuesday, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) who first reported the incident on Monday was contacted by the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) regarding the attempted carjacking incident at the 3200 block of W. Madison Street. Two alleged auto thief suspects have been taken into custody and one other man (vigilante) who arrived at the scene and took advantage of a detained suspect by the victim and battered the suspect is sought for battery by Milwaukee police.
Milwaukee Police Sergeant Timothy Gauerke from the Chief of Police Office released the following statement, "Milwaukee Police are investigating an attempted auto theft that happened on Monday, February 8th, around 1:50 p.m. in the 3200 block of W. Madison Street.  The victim observed two suspects in his vehicle attempting to steal it.  He confronted the suspects who fled.  The suspects attempted to enter a get-away vehicle and one of the suspects was successful.  The second suspect was confronted and punched by the victim.  The second suspect continued to flee on foot.   A witness attempted to detain the second suspect, grabbed him by the pants pulling them off, as the second suspect climbed a fence and continued to flee.  Shortly after, an unknown person battered the second suspect and posted it to Facebook.  MPD is working to determine who battered the second suspect.
"The second suspect, who is a 15-year-old Milwaukee male, has since been arrested and suffered a minor injury during this incident.  Once the investigation is complete the case will be referred to the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office for charges against the 15-year-old for attempted motor vehicle theft, and the person responsible for battering the suspect."

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Jonathan Aponte Santiago Charged For Multiple Armed Robberies And Facing 452 Years In Prison

Aponte Santiago has been charged with 11 felony counts for armed robbery and one count for 1st-degree reckless endangering safety, if convicted on all counts he is facing up to 452 years in prison.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 6, 2016

Milwaukee, WI - On Saturday, Jonathan Aponte Santiago, 22, was charged with 11 felony counts for armed robbery and one felony count for 1st-degree endangering safety in connection with multiple armed robberies in Milwaukee's Southside. Aponte Santiago is facing up to 40 years in prison and $100,000 fine for each armed robbery count and up to 12 years in prison and $25,000 in fines for reckless endangering of safety. A cash bail was set at $150,000 for Aponte Santiago, but a hold has been place, so he can't be bailed out.
Last Wednesday, at least 30 victims came forward and identified the kleptorobber as Aponte Santiago, who for several weeks terrorized local businesses by robbing them including patrons, in several occasions discharged his weapon inside bars, was wanted for an armed carjacking and shooting a 22-year-old Denny's waiter. His last armed robbery happened at Chivas Bar, 644 S. 9th Street around 2:20 a.m. on January 31. The suspect drank several beers, robbed the bar including the patrons, then fired at least three gunshots at a camera surveillance monitor missing a bartender by one inch and then fled. No one was injured.
Police told the Chivas Bar owner that his bar's surveillance footage of the armed robbery was clear and very instrumental in arresting the suspect.
Aponte Santiago allegedly robbed the Backdraught Bar at the 3600 block of S. Clement Ave., the Last Drop Restaurant at the 1900 block of S. 15th Street and Reynas Bar at the 600 block of W. Harrison in the Southside. About 14 patrons were inside Reynas Bar at the time of the robbery.
Aponte Santiago not only robbed the cash register at businesses, but customers too, according to business patrons. 
On January 28, Aponte Santiago walked into a Denny's Restaurant at the 4900 block of S. Howell Ave. around 3:15 a.m. and stole an undetermined amount of money from the cash register. Aponte Santiago also shot a 22-year-old victim who works at Denny's as a waiter and was taken to a local hospital for treatment of a non-life threatening gunshot wound, according to police.
At least ten people were inside the restaurant at the time of the robbery. Aponte Santiago shot the 22-year-old waiter in the arm and then left. The victim will be out of work for at least two weeks while recovering from the gun shot wound. He worked for tips and Aponte Santiago took $150.00 from him, according to the victim's mother. Aponte Santiago held a gun on the victim's head and the victim struggled with Aponte Santiago when he was shot.
Aponte Santiago was also involved in several other robberies and a carjacking as well, he robbed a business at the 2500 block of S. 6th Street at 1:20 a.m., then went to a second business at the 2000 block of S. 8th Street at 1:35 a.m. and demanded money. After receiving money, he fled on foot.
At about 2:00 a.m., Aponte Santiago pulled a gun at a 28-year-old man and stole his 2002 Isuzu Axiom. Aponte Santiago then fled in the vehicle and later robbed the Denny's Restaurant on S. Howell Ave.

Additional Southside Milwaukee businesses that Aponte Santiago robbed while armed are;

● Class Reunion Bar, 2204 W. Forest Home Ave.

● George Webb's Restaurant, 2028 W. Mitchell Street

● Marathon Gas Station, 1227 W. Oklahoma Ave.

● Park Place Sports Bar, 2079 S. 8th Street

● Stripes Bar, 3101 S. 15th Place