Monday, June 24, 2019

Trump's Claim To Deport 1M Undocumented Is Definitely A Farse

Trump pulls another false claim and uses it to launch his re-election campaign for president as a Republican.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

June 24, 2019

Washington, D.C. -  Donald Trump (R) recently tweeted that he has postpone his order (directive) to have the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) enforce immigration judges orders of deportation of at least 1 million of undocumented immigrants who have failed to exit the U.S. Trump issued his claim during his re-election bid in Florida in an attempt to make it sound that he was conducting a new mass sweep to deport undocumented immigrants and to fire up his racist and bigoted MAGA base. Well, it was certainly a farse and the mainstream media ran with it without realizing that it was definitely a faux (fake). 
ICE continues to concentrate in doing its job by targeting the undocumented by locating, arresting and processing them for deportation on a daily basis. Whether Trump delays his directive to deport 1M of undocumented for two weeks, ICE will continue to do its job. Trump only capitalized on ICE's daily routine to locate and detain targeted undocumented for his political benefit and few with common sense realized it.
Former President Barack Obama, a Democrat deported millions and holds the U.S. record as Chief Deporter.


• It costs taxpayers at least $10,864 to locate, arrest, process and deport each undocumented immigrant in the U.S. Do the math, if Trump wants to deport 1M undocumented, it will ultimately cost the taxpayer more than $10B, according to ICE.

• During the fiscal year on 2016, ICE spent $3.2B to deport 240,000 of 450,000 targeted for deportation, according to CNN.

•The IRS confirmed that between 50% to 75% of undocumented pay taxes and contributed at least $7B into the Social Security fund.

• At least 8M U.S. jobs are dependent on undocumented immigrants.

• Private corporation prisons do definitely benefit from the detention of undocumented immigrants by ICE, since the government pays $133.99 to $200 per day to house an undocumented in a private prison. To hold an undocumented family, it costs at least $319 at a family residential center, according to the U.S.DHS.

• It cost taxpayers at least $775 a day to hold an undocumented child in a "tent city" or a Trump ICE concentration camp, according to HHS/NBC News.

• The largest deportation was recorded in 2012, which ICE deported 409,824 of undocumented immigrants.

• ICE raids have claimed other mix status family victims with U.S. born children as well other than those targeted for deportation.

Finally, it would be more beneficial and cost effective for the American U.S. taxpayers to actually push for passage of a comprehensive Immigration reform bill with a path to U.S. citizenship for more than 11M of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. who are contributing billions of dollars into the economy and have become the backbone of our economic system that keeps America afloat and prospering in a competitive world.
Diversey is the key to making America great again.

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