Saturday, June 29, 2019

Businesses Including Retail, Food Stores And Outdoor Festivals Should Post Public Signs That All Are Welcome And Give Notice That ICE Is Not Welcome To Conduct Immigration Raids Without Legal Warrants

Latinos, undocumented immigrants and allies should avoid shopping and spending their hard earned dollars at businesses, retail stores, outdoor festivals and places that don't welcome them or support Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

June 29, 2019

Washington, D.C. - On Saturday, Trump confirmed that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will shortly begin to roundup 100's of thousands of undocumented immigrants that have been ordered to exit the U.S. by immigration judges, which could extend to mix status citizens and family members. Latinos should avoid any business including outdoor festivals and music venues that don't have a public sign being displayed saying that all are welcome and ICE is not allowed to detain customers in the business or festivalgoers unless they have a valid federal warrant.
Being undocumented in the U.S. is a federal civil offense and not a federal criminal offense, that's why ICE uses ICE administrative warrants, which are deemed not legal unless a federal warrant is signed by a court judge.
If a business, retail store, a mega grocery store or neighborhood outdoor festival isn't displaying a posted sign that all are welcome and prohibiting ICE from detaining undocumented immigrants, avoid the festival, business or store and go shop at Latino businesses in your vecinity to support local businesses that support Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
Undocumented immigrants pay taxes and contribute millions of dollars to local economies including the County, state and federal governments.
Avoid Walgreen's, Uber, Menards, Walmart and other stores that support Trump, the GOP and use your dollars to finance through campaign donations to the state Republican Party, which is deemed anti-immigrant and is supporting a White nationalist agenda guised as Trump's MAGA campaign advocating hate, bigotry and division among Americans.

RED ALERT: Undocumented immigrants in the U.S. and especially in Wisconsin should stay away from outdoor festivals, Mexican dances and other large populated venues, since Trump's ICE is most likely to target venues with large Latino presence to seek out those undocumented immigrants targeted for removal including any relative or acquaintances that become victims and will be subject to arrest by ICE and subject for removal from the U.S.

Be prepared:

1. Don't open the door to ICE or anyone that has a Police label on their jackets unless they can provide a valid warrant naming a person that is wanted and signed by a judicial judge.

2. If you are in need of food supplies and other items, spend your money at neighborhood Latino businesses, grocery stores and avoid White corporate operated MEGA food stores, which are most likely to be targeted by ICE.

3. Begin an ICE neighborhood watch initiative with neighbors, if ICE or any federal government vehicle or a large law enforcement presence is in the neighborhood, notify all the neighbors in your network to keep a look out and alert those possibly being targeted by ICE.

4. If any massive ICE movement is noticed in an area, post it on Facebook and tag your friends to alert followers, so they can spread the word of an ICE presence.

5. Remember, some Trump ICE agents are rogues and intentionally lie and do violate federal laws, according to federal cases filed and also trespass in private properties illegally without warrants and should be dealt with as illegal intruders and should be video recorded (videos should be made public, video record faces of agents and vehicles used) and report illegal incidents to the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice.

6. Be safe, cautious and be aware of your surroundings to avoid unexpected stops by ICE.

7. Carry an immigration Attorney's emergency number to contact for any legal assistance and to learn your whereabouts for family notification of your location, if stopped and detained by ICE.

8. Spend your hard earned dollars where you are welcomed and where a posted sign is visible to the public confirming that ICE is prohibited from engaging in any type of raid in the property without a federal legal warrant signed by a court judge.

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