Saturday, February 1, 2025

34-year-old Hank D. Glembin, A Fake U.S. Customs Border Protection Agent In Waukesha County Charged With Identity Theft And Impersonating A Peace Officer

Fake U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent Glembin Ironically approached two separate police officers from different jurisdictions in Waukesha County offering to help them while they were in the field working.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

February 1, 2025

Waukesha, Wisconsin - On Friday, Hank Donald Glembin, 34, of New Berlin was charged with two felony counts of identity theft and two misdemeanor counts of impersonating a peace officer (off-duty U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent) in Waukesha County.

If convicted, Glembin is facing up to 6 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for each felony count of identify theft, and up to 9 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines, or both for each misdemeanor count of impersonating a peace officer.

A $2,000 signature bond was set for Glembin and was scheduled for a Waukesha County Court hearing on February 13, 2025, according to Waukesha County Court records.

According to the criminal complaint, Glembin was wearing a black cap with the yellow initials CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection), border patrol clothing, Khaki pants, a green duty vest with the right side patch saying Agent, and a left side patch that read DHS (Department of Homeland Security) in line one, CBPBPA (Customs and Border Protection-Border Patrol Agent) in line 2 and Agent H.D. Glembin in line 3, and in possession of false identification, a black firearm and handcuffs, when he encounter two police officers from separate police jurisdictions in Waukesha County.

On January 25, 2025, a Muskego female police officer was investigating a vehicle striking a deer at Racine Avenue and Cardinal Drive, when Glembin driving a green Ford Ranger pickup truck pulled over at the scene and offered to help her. Glembin told the Muskego officer that he was driving around when he came upon the scene. Glembin identified himself as an off-duty "border control" agent.

The Muskego officer had to tell Glembin that she was in relationship after Glembin began to hit on her. Later that night he went to the Muskego Police Department and asked for the female officer, which she then began to doubt that Glembin was a federal agent.

On January 29, 2025, a New Berlin male police officer did a traffic stop around W. National Ave and South Fountain Square Blvd for a registration check, when Glembin wearing his CBP clothes and black cap, green duty vest and gear pulled over in his pickup truck and asked, if the officer needed help, the officer declined.

The New Berlin Police Department later initiated an investigation on Glembin and when police contacted the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, a agent confirmed that Glembin was not an agent with the CBP. 

Police and the CBP agent were able to verify that the CBP duty clothing, green duty vest and the CBP identification used by Glembin were fake and Glembin later confessed to police after getting arrested, that he ordered the fake CBP agent identification from the internet and that he wanted to be CBP agent.

Glembin is a U.S. Marine veteran.

In 2023, Hank and his wife Savanah Rose Glembin had their young son taken away by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Child Protective Services for posting a TikTok video showing Hank in army fatigues holding his son wrapped in plastic wrap from the shoulder to his legs in order to get likes. The TikTok video went viral and then later Savanah posted a video that her son was taken by the Child Protective Services in the state, her son was later returned.

On October 2, 2024, Hank filed for divorce from Savanah, according to Waukesha County Court records.

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