Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Wisconsin Needs Radical Refom And Oversight In Courts, Especially At The MAGA Controlled Waukesha County Family Court, Which Judges Committed Errors And Their Failure To Follow Domestic Abuse Protection Laws

Unfortunately, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D), Lt. Governor Sara Rodriguez (D), Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul (D) and the majority of the Wisconsin State Supreme Court who are Democrats as well have failed to apply State laws and oversight of the MAGA/Republican controlled Waukesha County family court, which judges repeatedly committed errors, and won't follow the State's domestic abuse protection laws and have Illegally taken 4 children from their mother in the Julie Valadez vs. Ricardo Valadez divorce case # 2018FA000296.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

October 1, 2024

Waukesha, Wisconsin - The Waukesha County family court has been known to be the most corrupt court system in Wisconsin, after it became known that multiple Judges Michael J. Aprahamian and Ralph M.  Ramirez engaged in illegal acts that led to multiple errors and who failed to follow State domestic abuse protection laws in the infamous Julie Valadez vs. Ricardo Valadez divorce case. The Julie divorce case dilemma was first published by Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) who broke the story on August 2021. (http://hispanicnewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2021/08/temporary-stay-granted-in-finding-of.html)

Both Judges Aprahamian and Ramirez were removed after the Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled that they committed multiple errors in Julie's divorce case, that resulted in the illegal placement of her 4 children with the known abusive father, Ricardo Valadez, instead with Julie. (http://hispanicnewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2024/06/waukesha-county-family-court-judge.html)

Today, Waukesha County family court Judge Jennifer R. Dorow has been assigned to Julie's divorce case. After the Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled that multiple errors have occurred in her case, Judge Dorow will now hold an evidentiary hearing on November 1, 2024, which will be the third evidentiary hearing in Julie's case. Judges Aprahamian and Ramirez previously held their own evidentiary hearings and yet, they continued to ignore to apply State domestic abuse protection laws in Julie's case, which led to having her 4 children taken away and placed with the abusive father, without even holding any court proceedings to see, if Julie was an unfit mother, in otherwords, Julie wasn't given due process of the law and she continues to fight today the Waukesha County family court corrupt system hoping that her children will be allowed to see their mother.

On October 1, 2024, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals District 2 ordered for the respondent (Judge Dorow) to file a response to the petition of Writ Mandamus (to comply with the law) no later than November 1, 2024. (Case: Julie Valadez vs Jennifer Dorow #2024AP001945-W)

What's ironic in this case, is that Ricardo Valadez never petition the court to have full custody of the 4 children. Ricardo and Julie had agreed to have joint custody, but Judge Aprahamian decided to place the 4 children with the abusive father without just cause and Judge Ramirez followed his decision after the Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled twice that they both committed errors in Julie's case and were forced to recuse themselves from the case.

On September 24, 2024, Julie Valadez posted on her Facebook (FB) account, "Right here in Wisconsin I have been unlawfully ordered to jail 5 times with 5 appellate reversals and a custody and placement reversal by the appellate court that the Waukesha court still refuses to comply with and they continue to threaten me with jail all related to the unlawful custody and placement orders they continue in defiance of the law and appellate orders." 

Julie now resides in Canada and has sought refugee asylum. 

Julie's divorce case also exposed the widespread corruption in both Waukesha and Walworth Counties, involving the Delavan Police Department, where Delavan Police Detective Trevor G. Hinman made a false police report allegedly accusing Julie of kidnap minor to sexually assault, regarding Julie's 15-year-old son who ran away on January 10, 2023 from his abusive father and crossed into Canada to be with his mother. Julie was criminally charged on February 3, 2023 with two felony counts for interfere with child custody-other parent including party to a crime, and interfere with custody-after custody order including party to a crime. (http://hispanicnewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2023/06/julie-valadez-ordered-released-from.html)

Julie had reached out to Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers and Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul about her case, but none have acted to hold the Waukesha County family court system accountable for not following State laws regarding domestic abuse protection laws for abused spouses and their children.

HNNUSA spoke with Kaul on September 17, 2024 at a Southside Milwaukee non-profit organization's event about Julie's case, and Kaul confirmed to HNNUSA that he didn't known about her case. Julie wrote a letter in July 2021 to Wisconsin Attorney General Kaul seeking help in her case, but Kaul never received her letter from his administrative staff at the Wisconsin Department of Justice. (http://hispanicnewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2024/09/wi-doj-attorney-general-josh-kaul-d.html)

Justice for Julie Valadez and her children!

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