Monday, July 26, 2021

Jose De Jesus Juarez Delgado, A Known Undocumented Construction Scammer Booked For Felony Fraud And Released On A $3K Signature Bail Bond In Waukesha County

Undocumented Juarez Delgado who allegedly committed felony fraud by using a previously dissolved construction LLC company in Wisconsin when he signed a contract to repair a private driveway in the City of Waukesha turned himself for booking identity process on Monday, according to the Waukesha County District Attorney's Office.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

July 26, 2021

Waukesha, Wisconsin - On Monday, Jose de Jesus Juarez Delgado, 33, turned himself for identity booking process at the Criminal Traffic Division (CTD) in Waukesha County to sign a $3,000 signature bail bond. Juarez Delgado was also ordered on July 26, 2021 during a virtual Zoom court hearing at 1:28p.m. (indicating he was in custody) not to use RJ Design and Construction, LLC, or any other company unless he has a legitimate license and insurance. An active warrant was vacated at the time of the virtual hearing. 

As of early afternoon, the Waukesha County Sheriff's Office jail inmate roster listed that Juarez Delgado was in jail for identity booking process, but was later released on a signature bond.

His current address hasn't been updated on the Waukesha County court records yet.

The Waukesha County District Attorney's Office filed a one felony count criminal charge on March 11, 2021 against Juarez Delgado for theft-movable property charges of at least $5,000. A felony warrant was issued including a $3,000 cash bail was set for Juarez Delgado on April 20, 2021. The suspect who is undocumented and doesn't have a valid driver's license (license previously suspended) was being sought by authorities.

If convicted on the felony count, Juarez Delgado is facing up to 3 years and six months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines. 

Which according to federal immigration laws (I.N.A. § 237), a felony conviction can be subject for deportation proceedings, if the suspect is illegally (undocumented) in the U.S. If a person is legally in the U.S.,  but not a U.S. Citizen and is convicted of a state or federal felony, depending on the seriousness of the criminal conviction can automatically lead to the revocation of a Green card and subject for deportation proceedings. Also, if a person with a Green card is convicted of a state misdemeanor and sentenced up to a year in jail, even if the sentence is stayed (suspended), the person is subject for Green card revocation regardless of how many years he/her has been residing in the U.S. and would be subject for deportation proceedings unless a judge sentenced the person less than a year, which will not subject the person to deportation or revocation of a Green card under federal immigration laws.

Juarez Delgado, a Mexican national is originally from Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico.

Juarez Delgado allegedly scammed a local Waukesha resident, Bernie Gonzalez into signing a private driveway repair contract under DBA Construction Solutions, LLC, a company name that was previously dissolved in 2017 and no longer existed in the state. Gonzalez paid Juarez Delgado at least $4,000 to do the driveway repairs, which the suspect never did.

Juarez Delgado used DBA Construction Solutions, LLC (dissolved in September 16, 2017) and was also order by the court on May 17, not to use RJ Design and Construction, LLC as well. He is allegedly known to hire crew employees to do construction work, but never pays them and has committed other alleged similar scams.

On August 8, 2017, the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) filed a judgment against Juarez Delgado for $6,240.10 for not paying unemployment compensation for his workers.

On January 30, 2017, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue filed a tax warrant against Juarez Delgado for $14,639.84, which is still open. 

On October 29, 2014, the DWD also filed a judgment for $798.98, which still has an open penalty warrant against Juarez Delgado for workers compensation.

A virtual court hearing appearance for Juarez Delgado is scheduled for August 11, 2021 at 1:00p.m. in Waukesha.

The Waukesha County Sheriff's Office is the only law enforcement agency in the state that works under 287g as a partner with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to identify undocumented inmates that are processed at the jail, which Juarez Delgado's name will most likely be added to ICE's immigration enforcement list.

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