Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Latino MAGAs Dawn Maldonado And Mario Herrera Go Into Ape Frenzy After Beto's Pizza Owner Confessed That He Was Just Joking About Wishing Trump A Lovely Happy Birthday, Ja, Ja...

The owner of Beto's Pizza & Tacos has been seen going to the bank with the biggest smile in his face after pulling the largest economic upset yet targeted at the Latino MAGA domestic terrorists in Wisconsin with the help of a local Hispanic journalist and political activist.

June 23, 2021

Milwaukee, WI - Apparently, both Dawn Maldonado, aka, "Damaris Perez or La Convicta" and Mario Herrera, aka, "La Maria or La Mari" went nuts "Ape Frenzy" on June 14 and posted anonymously on their Latino MAGA fake Facebook (FB) page that Jair Varela, the owner of Beto's Pizza and Tacos in the Southside of Milwaukee actually did wish Trump a lovely Happy Birthday and shared Trump's photo, but to their surprise, Varela later confessed publicly and posted on his personal FB page that it was just a big joke and a meme, ja, ha, ja, ha....πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ 

Maldonado and Herrera actually shared a Facebook post by H. Nelson Goodson, a local renowned Hispanic journalist and political activist who shared Varela's joke on Trump and the Latino MAGAs in Wisconsin and in the Milwaukee metropolitan area. The Latino MAGAs took the bait and believed that Varela, who identified himself as a DACA recipient had actually outed himself as a Trump supporter and the Latino MAGAs thought that they had another Hispanic business owner turned MAGA and rushed to promote Varela's businesses in the MAGA fake FB page.

According to Varela, he received an economic boost from the MAGAs in Wisconsin and around the Midwest. Varela is now thinking about expanding the Beto's Pizza & Tacos marketing frenzy by printing up business t-shirts that will say, "Trump and MAGAs Like Beto's Pizza & Tacos" in an attempt to cash in even more, according to Herrera who says in his FB account, Varela, "that's my boy."

Zorillo Network, a Satire communications source learned that Varela's Happy Birthday wish to Trump was just a conspiracy by H. Nelson Goodson and Varela himself. Varela as DACA recipient has always dreamed of becoming a billionaire and enjoying the American dream. 

While Goodson and Varela were having some tequila shots one night, Goodson came up with a genuine idea that would generate hundreds of MAGA dollars for Beto's Pizza & Tacos. Varela would have to post a lovely Happy Birthday to Trump and Goodson would publish a FB post to follow up allowing for Maldonado and Herrera to take the bait, since they have become addicted to Goodson's articles and constantly follow his FB posts like many others do. 

In 2019, Maldonado and Herrera had previously confessed that they had created a Latino MAGA fake Facebook page to publish lies and false information targeted at Latinos who criticized Trump and their MAGA domestic terrorists cult.

Maldonado was convicted in 2000 for two misdemeanor counts of theft of up to $1,000 and false representation in Racine County, according to state court criminal records and Herrera, a failed GOP/MAGA political wannabe pundit and former Hispanic Outreach Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin took the bait and ran with itπŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜…. 

So far, Varela has made a killing and can now afford to add several Taco trucks to his business. Goodson's FB post went viral and reached more than 14,000 FB views. 

Goodson and Varela's success in deceiving the Latino MAGAs has definitely earned Goodson a high quality bottle of imported tequila and Beto's Pizza & Tacos for life πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ. The Beto's Pizza & Tacos brand was inadvertently made famous overnight and continues to cash in to this date on the ignorance of the Latino MAGAs, including Maldonado and Herrera's shared article from Goodson.

Source: Zorillo Network (Purely Satire and for entertainment purposes only)

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