Friday, December 4, 2020

Nicholas Alioto, Manager At Serb Hall In Milwaukee Who Was Attacked By MAGAs During A Trump "Defend Your Vote" Outdoor Rally Has Passed Away

Alioto was also known as a Trump MAGA supporter.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

December 4, 2020

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, Nicholas Alioto, 55, the manager of Serb Hall in Milwaukee passed away. Alioto was tested positive on November 17 for Coronavirus (COVID-19) about 14 days before his death, but experienced mild symptoms. According, to the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office, Alioto had diabetes and apparently died from hypertensive cardiovascular disease, or heart problems caused by high blood pressure. The Medical Examiner’s Office hasn't ruled, if Alioto died from complications with COVID-19.

On November 14, Alioto who was a Trump MAGA (Make America Great Again/Keep America Great) supporter faced an attack by fellow MAGAs including Perfecto Rivera, a WISN 1130AM Radio host and former Republican candidate for Congress when he grabbed the microphone away from Alioto at an outdoor Trump "Defend Your Vote" rally,  according to a recorded video.  Alioto attempted to force those attending the rally to seat down and to wear facemasks as mandated by the Milwaukee Department of Health and City Ordinance to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The attendance for the outdoor rally was limited to 100 people for a political event, but more than several hundred MAGAs attended the event and most were standing around, not practicing distancing and not wearing facemasks. 

Alioto was told by fellow MAGAs to "get out of here, you were not invited" eventhough he was the manager of Serb Hall who allowed the Republican Party of Milwaukee County to hold the outdoor rally in the parking lot of Serb Hall.

Alioto had warned the crowd of MAGAs to seat down or he would shut down the rally in order to avoid being fined by the Milwaukee Department of Health for COVID-19 restriction violations or lose the business license.

Alioto was pushed to the side by a MAGA and lost his balance in the ordeal.

The Republican Party of Milwaukee County announced this week that it had raised at least $3,000 in donations to help pay for the fines that Serb Hall was allegedly cited for.

In January 2014, Alioto pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor stemming from several corruption charges during a plea deal facing a felony charges. The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that Alioto faced eight charges of bribery, perjury, and filing false documents stemming from a wide-ranging gift-giving probe in the community college district and two other school districts in the South Bay. He pleaded guilty to one charge of aiding in commission of a crime. Alioto was ordered to perform 160 hours of community service and pay a fine of about $8,000, according to the report. He resigned as Vice-president of the Southwestern College in 2011.

Serb Hall remained closed on Friday during their Fish Friday sale in memory of Alioto.

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