Thursday, April 2, 2020

Americans And Non-citizens Endure Hunger During COVID-19 Pandemic Including Economic Crisis, Feds Haven't Established 'Feed America' With Military Food Surplus Aid

More than 6.6M U.S. citizens and legal status immigrant eligible workers and nearly 8M undocumented taxpayers have become unemployed during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the U.S.

By H. Nelson Goodson 
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

April 2, 2020

Washington, D.C. - So far, 6.6M of U.S. citizens and legal immigrants including nearly 8M of undocumented taxpayers are facing hunger as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) 'Stay at Home' measure adopted by most states and the feds during the pandemic economic crisis. While state governments including County, municipal and feds are concentrating in stopping the spread of the COVID-19, also finding resources and much needed supplies for the medical frontline workers, doctors and nurses who treat those tested positive for the virus, they have laxed in providing the much needed food for those unable to work today due to the pandemic and social distancing restrictions. 

The U.S. Congress passed a Coronavirus $2.2T Economic Relief Aid and Trump signed into law, it failed to include a federal food bank measure to help states and local governments to distribute military surplus food and etc. to all those affected by the COVID-19 economic crisis and are currently facing hunger due to a lack of earned income in the pandemic.

Millions of people have been conditioned to stay at home with the fear factor of likely to get infected and have become silent and inactive to demand from the feds, states and local governments to engage in Feed America during the pandemic. 

It is not known when the COVID-19 will subside and a anti-viral vaccine will be effective against the pandemic in the U.S. and it could linger for months.

In many localities in the U.S., food pantries do exist, but are not setup to feed millions of hungry Americans, legal status immigrants and the undocumented taxpayers today.

If you are facing hunger today, don't sit back and gradually starve because you are so proud not to ask for help to feed your loved ones at home, remember, many have become unemployed at no fault of their own. 

Standup, riseup and demand for the feds and local governments to enact Feed America today. Also share this article, if you know anyone who is facing hunger today.

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