Sunday, July 23, 2017

White Kid Admits Calling Man "Nigger" At The Party City In West Allis

West Allis police were called to the Party City after a couple complained that they were profiled and a White kid called him the N word, which a teenage cashier employee later admitted to exaggerating on her Facebook that the Afro-American couple were arrested for drugs.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

July 24, 2017

West Allis, WI - On July 22, Carrick "Rick" Smith posted a video recording of an encounter with a White kid and a Party City cashier on his Facebook (FB) account and claimed that he and a woman (Smith's wife) were profiled for being Afro-Americans at Party City in West Allis. The FB video begins when Smith approached some kids outside of Party City and Smith asks one of the kids, if he called him a "Nigger" and one of the kids admitted to it. Smith then walks back into the Party City business and began to complain that the kids had called him the N word and requested for security.
Later, the Party City cashier alleged that Smith and his wife were arrested by West Allis police for having marijuana. Which, afterwards the White female teenage cashier admitted she had exaggerated on her FB post.
Apparently, the teenage cashier is now alleging that a West Allis police officer told her that the Afro-American couple would be arrested, which Smith confirmed that they were not taken into custody or cited and that "police handled the situation accordingly."
Smith posted on his FB account, "Kids calling me and my wife niggers at party city after manager harassed us about how we smelled (they say marijuana)... police were called and deemed all my actions appropriate.... no tickets were written, no drugs were found...police handled situation very accordingly
West Allis, WI. Please Share."
The teenage cashier in her FB post also stated that the couple came into the store and shortly "our whole store smell strongly of weed" and that's how the incident escalated.

Smith's Facebook video at link:

Tiffany Tischer posted what the Party City female teenage cashier admitted to exaggerating.

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