Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Irish Filmmaker Phelim McAleer Caught Filming Native American Children And Sacred Fire When Prohibited

An Irish documentary filmmaking group claims to have been harassed at Sacred Stone Camp, but members of the camp say, they were caught filming children and the sacred fire when prohibited as a protocol for media.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

October 19, 2016

Cannon Ball, N. Dakota - On Tuesday, Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier confirmed that Phelim McAleer, 49, an Irish filmmaker and his crew were harassed and threatened at the Sacred Stone Camp (SSC) located inside the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe reservation and has filed a complaint. Sheriff Kirchmeier in a news conference says, that "protesters exhibit escalated violent behavior as journalists threatened," a video released to officers shows "a threatening and terrifying situation for the three journalists" when a camp security tried to take a vedeo microphone from McAleer. McAleer and his crew were covering a protest activity on Monday were invited to the SSC to interview those involved on Tuesday, when they were attacked by members of the SSC and prevented them from leaving the camp, according to McAleer.
During a presentation of a video, it showed Magdalena Segieda, a female McAleer crew member calling 911 and telling to operator that she was scared and fearful while the vehicle was shaken by those outside, but no violent behavior than shaking the vehicle is shown from those outside and another part of the video shows a SSC security attempting to take a microphone away from McAleer.
Apparently, McAleer claims that he and his 2 member crew were threatened and harassed by some members of the SSC when they began to ask questions not favorable to those being interviewed. An investigating police lieutenant assisting the Morton County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) who responded to the scene confirmed at the press conference that Segieda did say that she had film that the members of the SSC didn't want them to have, which includes the unauthorized filming of Native American children and the sacred fire that was prohibited by the camp media protocol policy provided to all media visting the camp.
The police lieutenant did say that they also received a 911 call from the SSC camp as well about McAleer and his crew.
A YouTube video post called "Prelim McAleer is not a Journalist" in April 2016, exposes McAleer as pro-oil and alleged that victims of oil contamination are just out to get money from oil companies.
McAleer had registered as a journalist and even showed a credential at the media tent and was given information about the protocol for media members and certain restrictions as well, according to Cynthia Baumann, from the SSC media tent.
Baumann who registered McAleer as a journalist visiting SSC posted the following statement on Facebook, "It has come to our attention that the agitator and agenda propagandist Phelim McAleer who claims that his "30 minutes of terror" was unprovoked, is currently holding a press conference with Morton County Sheriff's Department. Here are a couple facts about the situation with Mr. McAleer visiting the community.
1) Phelim McAleer was checked into the media tent, he was read exactly all the rules one by one. I would know, because I was the one who check him in.
2) Later McAleer was caught committing various violations of the rules that were explained to him
- Documenting children without permission from a parent of guardian
- Documenting the sacred fire that was explained as off limits
-Asking community members questions meant to offend.
Once Mr. McAleer was confronted about his violation of the rules, Phelim McAleer stated that he did not have a press pass, and did not need one. This is a lie, as I personally checked him in. It is our belief that he was lying to force a confrontation between himself and the security set in place to protect the safety of the community. When pulling out, Mr. McAleer hit a community member with his vehicle, the person which has personally explained to me. We believe this may have been documented, and if so, we will contact legal about the situation. Mr. McAleer, I suggest you not leave the state so soon.
We also have video footage of Mr. McAleer being escorted out of Prairie Knights casino by local law enforcement after I was able to hear him being removed from the hotel. McAleer was screaming at residents and guests of the hotel.
We will be compiling our video evidence of McAleers actions, along with phrases such as "You are just stupid f$**#ing Indians" while at camp trying to provoke an issue, and respond once everything is compiled and organized.
Once again, here is an act of Morton County Sheriffs using false propaganda to push their agenda of working as direct security for Dakota Access Pipeline.
Remember, this man is an established liar, therefore anything he says at press conferences or anywhere else must be considered suspect."
Sheriff Kirchmeier says, that an investigation is ongoing to determine, if charges against the SSC security guard will be charged in the incident. Myron Dewey, a journalist with the #NoDAPL movement posted in a video that McAleer was a children predator just like MCSO Deputy Jonathan Moll who also was caught taking photos of students. Dewey says, that McAleer was told not to film children at the SSC without authorization and if McAleer would publish such video and photos that SSC will file a lawsuit for taking unauthorized video.
Sheriff Kirchmeier failed to mention at the press conference that according to the SSC, McAleer was not following media protocol and took unauthorized video footage at the camp and attempts were made to take the footage.

Donnell Preskey, spokeswoman for the MCSO released the follwing press release, Two journalists – a male and female from CA along with a videographer from Bismarck, ND arrived to the area 10/17
They followed the protests on 10/17 with no issues.
They were invited to come to the camp on 10/18.
The male reporter was interviewing campers when a person got upset by the line of questioning and tried to grab the journalists microphone.
There was an altercation between the protesters at the camp and the journalists.
Those identified as camp security told the journalists they had to leave but couldn't until they turned over their footage.
The journalists were able to get into their vehicle and locked it. It was then surrounded by protesters who pounded on the vehicle and rocked it and continued to threaten them unless they turned over the video.
Vehicles from the protest camp even blocked in the journalists vehicle preventing them from being able to drive away.
The three victims called 9-1-1 for help.
Eventually, they were able to drive to the gate at the camp entrance – although the gate was closed and blocked by a vehicle. It wasn't until officers arrived that camp security cooperated and allowed the journalists to leave.
They were brought to the Morton County Sheriff's department and interviewed. They told the officer they were "scared for their life."
Another press release by the MCSO stated, the male reporter was interviewing a group of individuals at the camp. It is apparent by watching the video of the interview that the individuals got offended by a line of questioning. One individual who identified himself as camp security tried to grab the reporter's microphone and dragged the reporter who would not let go of his equipment.
"The journalists made their way back to the vehicle. However, protesters blocked them in by surrounding their vehicle with people and vehicles. Individuals are seen pounding on the journalist's vehicles and rocking it," said Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier. "Protesters demanded the journalists turn over their video footage. Numerous times the journalists pleaded with protesters to "let them leave."
The journalists called 9-1-1 for help, during the call you can hear the frantic plea for help. The journalists told our Morton County investigators they were, "scared for their life."
According to the interview with our investigation team, the journalists were fearful of putting their vehicle into park for fear that this would unlock their doors.  They eventually were allowed to drive toward the camp entrance. However, camp security closed the gate and blocked them from leaving.
Officers responded to the camp and using a PA asked individuals in the camp to allow the journalists leave. The officer told the media the female journalist was terrified. The journalists were escorted to the Morton County Law Enforcement Center where they were interviewed. Morton County authorities will be investigating this incident for possible charges.

Phelim McAleer released a longer video version of the incident. He asked a man what some say was an insulting question at the camp, if he was a hypocrite for using a vehicle that runs on gas and oil to transport supplies to the camp? Members of the Sacred Stone Camp say, that he was actually filming children and the sacred fire earlier which was prohibited.

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