Monday, March 14, 2016

Trump Facing Charges For Inciting A Riot And John Franklin McGraw Charged For Sucker-punching Protester Rakeem Jones

McGraw charged for striking an Afro-American protester during a rally and Trump could face charges for encouraging his bigoted supporters to strike protesters.

By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.

March 14, 2016

Fayetteville, North Carolina - On Monday, the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office (CCSO) confirmed that it is considering filing charges against Donald J. Trump who is campaigning for the Republican nomination for president on a misdemeanor charge for inciting a riot and encouraging his followers to strike protesters at his Trump rally. The CCSO is investigating whether Trump or his campaign has encouraged supporters to attack or strike protesters, which could result in charges for inciting to riot. The CCSO did not indicate when they will actually decide whether to charge Trump, since the investigation is still ongoing.
Trump in February was recorded in several occasions by national mainstream media telling his supporters to take action and strike protesters and that he would pay for their legal fees, if they did and got arrested. He even talked at a rally whether to would actually kill protesters, but indicated he wouldn't.
During a Trump rally last Wednesday, March 9 at the Crown Coliseum, protester Rakeem Jones of Fayetteville who was being escorted out by CCSO deputies when John Franklin McGraw, 78, got up and sucker-punched him several times and wasn't taken into custody at the time. A video of Franklin striking Jones and deputies not arresting him went viral in social media and the next day, detectives from the CCSO arrested Franklin on charges for assaulting Jones and disorderly conduct. 
On Sunday during NBC's "Meet the Press," Trump indicated he would consider looking into Franklin's assault case and might be willing to pay for Franklin's legal fees, which would confirm Trump promoting violence and fulfilling his promise to pay legal fees for those who strike protesters.
Trump is considered a compulsive lier and has denied the allegations that he incited his supporters to strike protesters and says there is no violence at his rallies, but media coverage of rallies show otherwise.
Another video surfaced as well showing McGraw admitting to striking Jones because he was not acting like an American and says next time he would kill Jones. 
The CCSO released the following statement, an "additional charge has been lodged against the man whom Cumberland County Sheriff's detectives have arrested for assaulting a young protester who was being escorted out of the Crown Coliseum during a political campaign rally being conducted by presidential candidate Donald Trump last night.  John Franklin McGraw was arrested the morning of Thursday, March 10, 2016, and charged with assaulting Rakeem Jones of Fayetteville, and disorderly conduct for his actions during the Trump rally in Fayetteville on Wednesday, March 9. 
"Detectives conducting the criminal investigation, while reviewing video that was take at the Crown Coliseum during the event found that McGraw made statements to threatening Jones stating that he enjoyed  hitting "that loudmouth . . . who was "not acting like an American," and threatening next time "to kill him."
"After seeing this video the detective charged McGraw with the offense of Communicating Threats.
"When arrested earlier, the defendant, McGraw, who had been boastful and talkative to others around him and to the media, refused to talk with deputies, and invoked his Miranda rights, demanding an attorney.
"McGraw was processed again at the Cumberland County Jail and the magistrate set the defendant's total bond at $ 5000.00 secured.
"The Communicating Threats charge will have the same court date of April 06, 2016."

MSNBC Video showing where John Franklin McGraw admitted to striking Rakeem Jones

Update: The CCSO decided on late Monday not to charge Trump for inciting a riot for lack of evidence.

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