Captain Wurth advocates to achieve trust, a community partnership with police and making the Milwaukee 2nd Police District Station a safe place in the Southside for the community it serves and protects.
By H. Nelson Goodson
Hispanic News Network U.S.A.
December 28, 2015
Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, Captain Heather N. Wurth confirmed that she will continue to make the Milwaukee 2nd Police District Station a safe place for community members to visit or seek services from the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD). Wurth was promoted to Captain by MPD Chief of Police Edward Flynn in November and has been working with Hispanic and non-Hispanic officers to learn about the Southside community she now serves and protects.
Captain Wurth says, that she has an open mind and in the short time she has been in the 2nd Police District, Wurth has noticed how diverse the community is in the Southside compared to other districts she has worked. She is looking forward "to learning more about the district itself, the culture, history and diversity, but also learning about the stake holders, community organizations and faith based organizations really engaged in their own neighborhoods assisting the police with our enforcement activities." She has met with community based organization leaders and Business Improvement District (BID) members in the area in the short time that she has been at the 2nd Police District Station.
Captain Wurth wants for the community in the 2nd Police District to continue to trust and work with police officers in the area as a partnership to help prevent and solve crimes. She acknowledged a number of challenges in the district and looks forward in meeting those challenges with a partnership between the community and police. Currently, Captain Wurth has assigned police officers with squads including to walking beats to patrol W. Lincoln Ave., W. Greenfield Ave., W. National Ave. and the Walker's Point area.
A current rise in crime is contributed to car thefts. Now that the Winter weather has arrived, people start their vehicles and leave them unattended during the cold weather and many end up being stolen, according to Captain Wurth. "I strongly believe in community partnerships. I know that it is a cornerstone of what we do and our success largely depends with the cooperation that we have with the community and our citizens. So, I would encourage all of our community and all our citizens, community based organizations and faith based organizations, if you are not already involved, to become involved because we need you, we simply cannot do this job alone. Whether you act as a witness or a partner with some of our stake holders, become engaged, take investment in your neighborhood, take investment in your lives and become a partner with police. I understand trust building is extremely important as well and that is something that we will continue to focus here at district number two with our professionalism by maintaining, building and strengthening our relationship with the community."
Captain Wurth says that district two has dedicated police officers including Spanish Speaking officers and a Milwaukee County Community Prosecution Unit (CPU) that works in partnership with the community. Two of the Community Liaison Police Officers at district two are Jose Acevedo and Jesús Gloria.
Captain Wurth confirmed that she will be attending both the Spanish and English language community crime analysis meetings in the Southside, so that she can meet community members residing in the area.
Captain Wurth has an impressive career with MPD, she has been with the Milwaukee Police Department for 23 years and have worked a variety of assignments, both patrol and administrative. Captain Wurth previously worked at District 3, District 4, District 5, District 7, the Warrant Squad (now known as the Fugitive Apprehension Unit), the Vice Squad, and Internal Affairs. "During my patrol assignments, I have been enthusiastically involved in activities designed to build community relationships and believe this to be integral to the success of the Department and its officers, as well as the strengthening of our neighborhoods. I have also been committed, through my administrative assignments at the Internal Affairs Division and as an adjunct instructor, to the partnerships between professionalism and advanced training," Captain Wurth stated.
Captain Wurth has a Master's Degree in Administration of Justice from Marquette University and is a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy Session # 249.